Major Research Projects


Major Research Projects

The researchers in IGUT have research interests and expertise in a wide range of areas such as Geomagnetism, Geoelectricity, Gravimetery and Geodesy, Geodynamics, Earthquake and Exploration Seismology, Exploration and Environmental Geophysics, Luminescence Dating, Ozone and Air Pollution, Astronomy and Solar Physics, Ionosphere, and Meteorology. Until now, more than 100 research projects in Geophysics and Meteorology have been completed at the Institute.

The following list is a brief summary of the on-going research projects at IGUT:

  1. Airborne vector gravimetry using GPS/INS data from airborne photogrammetry data and feasibility study of its geophysical applications
  2. Crustal velocity model and microseismicity of Astaneh-Shahmirezad area (Central Alborz)
  3. The magneto-variational sounding method; a new approach for Trans-European suture zone investigation
  4. Determination of lithospheric model beneath the Central Alborz Mountains, based on the integrated interpretation of the gravity, geodic and topography data sets
  5. Dynamical-statistical analysis of the stratospheric internal variability based on numerical models and diagnostics
  6. Determination of the electrical anisotropy at continental margins using magnetotelluric data
  7. Upper mantle shear velocity structure in Iran using modified partitioned waveform inversion
  8. Improvement of time-frequency transforms in the study of seismic data
  9. Curie-temperature depth estimation using satellite lithospheric magnetic field models
  10. Signal processing algorithms to improve repeatability of 4D seismic data
  11. Estimation and modeling of anisotropy by vertical seismic profiling and image logs
  12. Optimization of spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method to assign velocity model in site effect study
  13. The impacts of NAO and MJO on the climate of Southwest Asia
  14. Determination of focal mechanisms of local earthquakes by waveform modeling of S and P body waves
  15. Applicability of artificial neural networks for obtaining seismic velocity model
  16. Computation of gravity anomalies using satellite altimetry data for Sea-Bed depth determination
  17. Estimation of lame parameters and from P-Wave
  18. Inverting local earthquake spectra for the focal mechanism and the modeling of site response to seismic waves by the Hybrid Ray-Finite difference method
  19. Determination of velocity structure of crust in North West of Iran using 3D inversion of local seismic data
  20. Crust and upper mantle anisotropy in Alborz area