Vice-President, Students, (Students Service Organization)


Description of duties:

  1. Conducting necessary studies to prepare and compile programs to offer students services to the students
  2. Preparing and developing regualations, frameworks and standards of students' services and dormitories affairs  
  3. Developing necessary plans to supply and develop sports activities and management of sports competitions and Olympiads
  4. Adopting necessary measures to supply students' health, treatment and counseling services
  5. Developing plans and making necessary control to manage the students' nutrition affairs and constant inspection to observe health and sanitation in restaurants
  6. Performing necessary studies to distribute students' loads among faculties and students
  7. Conducting necessary measures to settle down the accounts of graduates and debt installments
  8. Making necessary program to administrate students' dormitories affairs and promoting the situation of housing services for students
  9. Following up the affairs related to the opening ceremony of university and arranging graduation festivals
  10. Performing other duties assigned by the Vice-President for Students and Cultural Affairs

Contact Info.

  • Address: office of Vice-President, Students, University of Tehran, 16 Azar St., Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran.
  • Tel: +98 (21) 61113291
  • Fax: +98 (21) 66481602