Vice-President, Planning and Information Technology


UT Vice-President for Planning & Information Technology supports University planning and administration strategies. Its mission is to ensure that the quality of UT environment supports the University’s excellence in teaching, research and campus life. Two areas of Planning and Information Technology promotes the university strategic systems, oversees the management of the University’s financial and physical resources, budget and financial information and analysis, capital planning, technology policies, standards, and guidelines, property information resources, and new and improved ways to solve technology problems. The Vice-President for Planning and Information Technology performs a thousand often behind-the-scenes tasks that enable UT to focus on its mission of teaching, research, and service.

General Office of Planning, Budget and Organizational Change

The Planning and Budget area represents the interests of academic units as procedures and systems are developed for financial activity; space, facility and human resource activity. It is committed to providing support to academic and administrative divisions in all aspects of planning and management related to budgets. In addition, the Planning and Budget area also serves as a liaison between the Vice President and the academic units and other university offices.

Center for Information Technology and Cyberspace

 The Center for Information Technology and Cyberspace provides leadership for the continued development of a modern, innovative, robust, and secure information technology environment throughout the university. The primary responsibility of this center is the development and use of information technology in support of the university's vision for excellence in research, teaching and outreach. The center reports to the Office of the Vice-President for planning and Information Technology.


  1. Preparing and adjusting mission, vision, objectives, strategies and macro policies of university within the framework of orientations and attitudes of national development plan and cooperation of respective units
  2. Planning for design and establishment of strategic planning system of university and orienting affiliated faculties and units in order to develop and prepare respective programs and integrate the plans of units of university
  3. Planning to prepare and distribute the annual expenditure and possession budgets of university and affiliated units and having monitoring for its smooth performance
  4. Communicating the yearly public and exclusive budgets and allocating them to affiliated units
  5. Planning to orient and absorb banking credits and facilities for university projects
  6. Design, implementation and monitoring plans related to change and renovation of administrative body at university level and making managerial systems efficient (decision making, decision taking, monitoring and coordinating) and paving grounds for using the new managerial approaches at university level
  7. Planning and taking necessary measures to observe the staff’s rights, having proper treatment with clients at university level and establishment of the proposal system
  8. Studying, reviewing and making actions to have a constant reform of the organizational structure and improving the processes and methods of work within the framework of respective regulations
  9. Preparing and developing comprehensive strategies and programs of IT at the university
  10. Preparing, developing and presenting the standards of IT and monitoring its smooth performance at the university
  11. Making a high supervision on the implementation of constructional, installation, developmental and telecommunication projects of university and affiliated units
  12. Monitoring and planning to design and implement essential systems for university
  13. Conducting other duties assigned to the Office by the President of the University

Contact Info.

  • Address: 3rd floor, Central Administration, Beside 16 Azar st., Enghlab Ave., Tehran, Iran.
  • Tel: +98 (21) 66469823
  • Fax: +98 (21) 66958807