Office of President


Office of President of University of Tehran as the symbol of higher education in Iran has the following organs:

  1. Board of Trustees
  2. President of University
  3. University Council

Board of Trustees

Members of Board of Trustees based on the autonomy of universities and the law for the formation of board of trustees and higher education and research institutions include: Minister of Science, Research and Technology, President of University, 4 to 6 scientific, cultural or social personalities who have an effective role in the development and expansion of university and head or representative of Management and Planning Organization.

The main duties and authorities of the Board of Trustees are as follows:

  • Approval of local by-laws for board of trustees, administrative and organizational organization of UT, employment regulations for academic staff, suggested budget, detailed budget of accounts and annual balance sheet of UT, method of collecting exclusive incomes and its consumption, determining and method of administration of production, service, workshop, health and treatment units, rate of research fee, authorship fee and as likes, suggesting the extraordinary payment for the faculty members and non-faculty members and reviewing the university report which is presented by the President of UT.

The suggested subjects before being put forth in the meeting of Board of Trustees, is reviewed professionally in a permanent commission consists of President of UT, a Vice-President or Advisors to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, one of the experts and authorities, the representative of Management and Planning Organization, and Vice-President of Finance and Administration of the UT.

University President

In order to elect the President of UT, the Minister of Science and Technology select some of the academic personalities through consultation and propose them to the Cultural Supreme Council and the suggested person will be appointed as the President of UT after begin confirmed by the Council by the decree of the Minister.

The main duties and authorities of the President of UT are as follows:

  • Elaborating the executive policy of the UT within the framework of academic, educational, and research policies and having a monitoring over the smooth performance of the plans, orienting educational, research, cultural, administrative, finance, developmental activities, academic services, disciplinary affairs, current activities and all local and international UT communications, coordinating different units, following up possible problems and violations and referring them to the related officials, responding and legal delegation of UT before competent authorities within the regulations framework, presenting the proposal of establishment, development, dissolution and integration of units, academic cooperation with other educational or research local and foreign institutions to the UT council, having the responsibility of financial and administrative affairs of UT within the scope of approved rules, appointing or removal of members of Board of Presidency and deans of affiliated faculties and units and managers of academic departments and implementing the approvals and codes of practice and other circulars issued by the respective ministry are among the duties of President of University of Tehran.

University Council

University Council which is considered one of the important organs of decision making about the policy and elaboration of general policy of UT consists of: Board of Presidency, Deans of other colleges/institutes and affiliated research and educational centers and complexes.

The main duties and authorities of UT are as follow:

  • Developing and approving the local by-laws and instructions for its local committees, reviewing and approving new courses and fields of study in order to be proposed to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and suggested short term educational and research programs, also admission of students based on the facilities of university with regard to the national development plan, reviewing the methods of cooperation with governmental and non-governmental institutions and developing regulations for it, reviewing academic and research problems of university and presenting necessary solutions, reviewing and approving plans and programs proposed by the specialized counties and the subjects which are put in the council agenda by the President of UT, annual examining the scientific facilities (human forces and equipments) of UT and determining the shortages and classifying the scientific-research needs and taking action to supply them and evaluating the university performance.

Board of Presidency

Board of Presidency of University consists of: President and Vice-Presidents of UT undertake the following duties and authorities:

  • Preparing executive grounds for the approvals of the Cultural Revolution Supreme Council, codes of practice and circulars of the concerned Ministry, helping with the self-reliance of UT and affiliated units, proposing the distribution and allocation of sabbatical leaves and short-term local and foreign educational course exclusive of faculty members to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, reviewing and suggesting the administrative, financial and transactional by-laws, annual budgets, organizational chart and necessary administrative corrections for the administration of university local affairs, and also plans and programs to be put fort in the agenda of Board of Trustees through President of University, reviewing the method of performance of decisions made by Board of Presidency and monitoring the performance of university units and creation of necessary coordination among different domains of offices of vice presidents.

Contact Info.

  • Address: Office of President, 5th Floor, Central Administration Building, University of Tehran, Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran.
  • Tel: +98 (21) 66469824, 61112500
  • Fax: +98 (21) 66462349
  • Email: presidentatTehran.png
  • Website: