About the Institute


About the Institute

The Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB) was founded in 1976 with the objectives of fulfilling basic researches in cell and molecular sciences and the enrichment of global knowledge. IBB is an advanced and international scientific institute which admits M.S. students in Biochemistry and Biophysics, and Ph.D. students in all its three Biochemistry, Biophysics Bioinformatics departments. Currently, IBB has 20 full-time faculty members (9 professors, 4 associate professors, and 7 assistant professors) in addition to 11 outstanding international scientists as adjunct professors. IBB is affiliated with Third World Academy of Science (TWAS) & has a UNESCO chair in Biology. IBB is regarded as Iran’s scientific pole in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Secretariat for the Advancement of Science and Technology in Islamic World (SASTIW) and International Commission for the Advancement of Science (ICAS) are located and run in IBB. Additionally, IBB is well-facilitated to provide great opportunities both for domestic and international students and researchers. Furthermore, IBB admits postdoctoral researchers, funded by UT professor’s grant, and the researchers are provided accommodation at the University Guest House. IBB is an internationally acknowledged institute for its qualified articles published in ISI indexed Journals around the world. Moreover, international institutes such as IUBMB and FAOBMB have representatives in IBB. Currently, Professor Ali Akbar Saboury serves as the head of IBB.