Research Activities


Research Activities

Research projects conducted in the Centre include:

  1. Women’s presence in financial markets: the banking system
  2. Empowering female – headed families
  3. Policies and programs of the Government in creating job opportunities for women (a joint project of CWS and ILO)
  4. Gender aspects of employment in Iran (CWS and ILO)
  5. Gender aspects of poverty forms and lineaments in Iran
  6. The role of women in development of Muslim countries
  7. Gender considerations in development plans and women empowerment (in cooperation with World Bank)
  8. Analysis of economic, social and political indicators in regard to gender considerations
  9. Analysis of major factors on family stabilization (in cooperation with Research Centre of Parliament)
  10. Sociological study of gender stereotypes and family structure in Iranian TV series

Two projects are currently in progress, namely, ‘Analysis of job facilities among Iranian employed women’ and ‘Relationship between hope and living motives and mental health of women suffering from cancer’. Furthermore, CWS has held over 20 seminars and seven workshops with the collaboration of national and international organizations.