Faculty Members & Research Interests


Faculty Members & Research Interests

Last Name First Name Title Research Interests Email
Abdollahpour Golamreza Associate Professor Sero-bacteriological survey of Leptospirosis in wildlife of Iran, REA analysis of Leptospira isolates of Iran, & abomasal ulcers in feelots grezaatTehran.png
Adibhashemi Farajollah Assistant Professor Healing, abdominal surgery, & urogenital surgery fadibatTehran.png
Adibmordi Masoud Associate Professor Histotechnique, & immunohistochemistry adibmoradiatTehran.png
Akhondzadeh Basti Afshin Professor Marine food microbiology, predictive food microbiology, & natural preservatives aakhondatTehran.png
Aldavood Seyed Javid Associate Professor Corneal ulcer, CNS disorder, & infectious disease sjaatTehran.png
Alidadi Naser Associate Professor Large animal population medicine, metabolic diseases and equine medicine nalidadiatTehran.png
Amini Farhad Assistant Professor Animal genetics and breeding particularly for aquatic species faminiatTehran.png
Arab Hossein Ali Associate Professor Pharmacokinetics, ischemia-reperfusion injury, & nitric oxide and oxygen-derived free radicals harabatTehran.png
Arab Khazaeli Fatemeh Assistant Professor Diagnostic parasitology, coccidian & flagellate parasites, vector-borne diseases, & drug resistance farabatTehran.png
Asadi Farzad Professor Signaling pathways in triglyceride synthesis, & lipoprotein profiles of animals, characteristics of biochemical parameters in animals fasadiatTehran.png
Atyabi Nahid Associate Professor Hematology and hematopathology, clinical biochemistry, & clinical bacteriology natyabiatTehran.png
Babapour Vahab Professor Central control of appetite in chickens bp.vahab@gmail.com
Bahonar Ali Reza Professor Epidemiology of animal diseases, veterinary epidemiology and economics, & epidemiology of zoonoses abahonaratTehran.png
Bakhtiari Jalal Associate Professor Soft tissue small animal surgery, urogenital small animal surgery, & experimental surgery bakhtiaratTehran.png
Bokaei Saied Professor Epidemiology & control of zoonosis, visceral leishmaniasis in human & animal reservoirs, & epidemiology of food borne pathogens sbokaeiatTehran.png
Bolourchi Mahmood Professor Mastitis control in dairy cattle, & bovine theriogenology mbolooratTehran.png
Dehghan Mohammad Mehdi Associate Professor Orthopaedics, stem cells, & tissue engineering mdehghanatTehran.png
Ebrahimzadeh Elahe Assistant Professor Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of protozoan parasites and Arthropodes eebrahimzadeatTehran.png
Ebrahimzadeh Mousavi Hossein Ali Professor Fish diseases, aquatic animal food hygiene, & ornamental fish medicine hmosaviatTehran.png
Esmaeili Hossein Assistant Professor Small ruminant health management, infectious abortive agents in farm animals, control of diseases in nomadic flocks, epidemiology and control of brucellosis & chlamydiosis hesmaeliatTehran.png
Faghihi Seyed Mohammad Professor Pharmacokinetics of antibiotics and veterinary drugs, & antibacterial residues in animal products mfaghihiatTehran.png
Farkhoy Mohsen Associate Professor Energy and limited amino acids in broilers, layers and breeders, Iranian ingredients in poultry farms, & broiler diets in Iranian feed mill company mfarkhoyatTehran.png
Fatemi Ardestani Ahmad Assistant Professor Effects of herbal medicine on triglyceride and cholesterol, their application in prevention of atherosclerosis, & poultry & fish pharmacology afatemiatTehran.png
Gandomi Nasrabadi Hassan Assistant Professor Probiotics, food preservation, food microbiology, & essential oils gandomihatTehran.png
Ghalyanchi Arash Assistant Professor Avian viral diseases, molecular epidemiology and pathogenesis of avian viral diseases and Arboviruses ghalyanaatTehran.png
Ghamsari Seyed Mehdi Professor Wound healing, teat surgery, & abdominal surgery ghamsariatTehran.png
Gharaghozloo Faramarz Associate Professor Equine reproductive technology, bovine reproductive technology, & mastitis faramarzatTehran.png
Gharaghozlou Mohammad Javad Professor Inflammation and repair, immunology, immunopathology, pathology of alimentary system mjavadatTehran.png
Ghasemzadeh Nava Hamid Associate Professor Reproduction & reproductive biotechnology in the queen, & animals hghasematTehran.png
Hassan Jalal Assistant Professor Veterinary analytical toxicology, residue analysis, & miniaturized microextraction methods jalalhassanatTehran.png
Hassanzadeh Mohammad Professor Ascites syndrome in broiler chickens, salmonellosis & ORT in poultry mhzadehatTehran.png
Hosseini Seyed Hossein Professor Epidemiological study of Echinococcus granulosus, epidemiology of helminthic infection, & molecular biology in parasitology hhoseiniatTehran.png
Jalousian Fatemeh Assistant Professor Molecular diagnostics in helminthology jalousian_fatTehran.png
Jamshidi Shahram Associate Professor Diseases of the gastrointestinal system, helicobacter infections, & atopic dermatitis shjamshidi@vetmed.ut.ac.ir
Kamkar Abolfazl Associate Professor Food additives and contaminants, antioxidants, & natural antioxidants akamkaratTehran.png
Kariman Asadollah Associate Professor Horse anesthesia, small animals anesthesia, & small and large animal surgery akarimanatTehran.png
Karimi Vahid Associate Professor Molecular epidemiology of avian viral diseases vkarimiatTehran.png
Khaki Zohreh Associate Professor Clinical biochemistry, & hematology, clinical pathology zkhakiatTehran.png
Khanjari Ali Assistant Professor Meat science, natural preservatives and food packaging khanjariatTehran.png
Khosravi Ali Reza Professor Immunology of fungal infections, molecular diagnosis of fungal diseases, mycotoxins and fungal enzymes khosraviatTehran.png
Kiaei, Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Professor Herbal additives in poultry feeds, poultry coccidiosis, & probiotics in poultry feeds kiaeiatTehran.png
Koohi Mohammad Kazem Assistant Professor Molecular and environmental toxicology mkkoohiatTehran.png
Lotfollahzadeh Samad Assistant Professor Gastrointestinal tract diseases of large animals, herd health in dairy farms, & infections diseases of large animals samadz@yahoo.com
Madadgar Omid Assistant Professor Viral diseases, molecular virology, viral vaccines and antiviral chomotherapy omadgaratTehran.png
Madani Seyed Ahmad Assistant Professor Companion and wild avian medicine, turkey diseases, avian chlamydiosis madaniatTehran.png
Mahmoudzadeh Homayoon Associate Professor Ruminant nutrition, ruminant production & management, & fish nutrition mahmodzdhatTehran.png
Malmasi Abdolali Assistant Professor Infectious diseases of small animals, skin diseases of small animals, & internal medicine of small animals malmasiaatTehran.png
Mansoori Behzad Associate Professor Effects of antinutrients & micronutrients on birds’ health & performance, & feed additives bmansooriatTehran.png
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein Associate Professor Veterinary neuropathology, repair of tendon injuries, abortion pathology, congenital anomalies and malformations hmehratTehran.png
Masoudifard Majid Associate Professor Equine radiology and ultrasonography, & small animal & exotic animal radiology & ultrasonography mmfardatTehran.png
Meshgi Behnam Associate Professor Diagnostic methods in parasitic infection, helminthology, & molecular biology in parasitology bmeshgiatTehran.png
Mirzargar Seyed Saeed Associate Professor Aquatic pharmacology, aquatic toxicology (ecotoxicology), & environmental diseases of aquatic animals (algal blooms) zargarmatTehran.png
Misaghi Ali Associate Professor Preservation, predictive food microbiology, & food biotechnology misaghia@vetmed.ut.ac.ir
Modirsanei Mehrdad Associate Professor Feed additives in poultry, poultry coccidiosis, & anti-nutritional factors in poultry msaneiiatTehran.png
Mokhber-Dezfuli Mohammad Reza Professor Cardio vascular, & respiratory system, & neonatology mokhberdatTehran.png
Molazem Mohammad Assistant Professor Three- dimensional ultrasonography & exotic pet imaging mmolazematTehran.png
Nabian Sedigheh Associate Professor Vaccine antigens from the salivary glands of ticks, mortality causes of honey bees of Iran, & external parasites of sheep and goats nabianatTehran.png
Nasiri Seyed Mahdi Assistant Professor Stem cells, tissue engineering, & cardiomyocyte biology nasirim@vetmed.ut.ac.ir
Nayeri Bahar Assistant Professor Bacteriology, biological, chemical and molecular diagnosis of bacterial diseases, mutation nayeribatTehran.png
Niasari Naslaji Amir Professor Control of ovarian follicle dynamics in ruminants, camel & horse, oestrus synchronization, AI and MOET in ruminants, cryopreservation of semen, oocytes and embryos in ruminants & camel, postpartum events in dairy cattle, buffalo and camel, the effects of heat stress on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cattle niasariatTehran.png
Nikbakht Gholamreza Professor Immunogenesis, cytokines, & immunoregulation and DNA vaccines nikbakhtatTehran.png
Nouri Negin Assistant Professor Dairy science & technology, dairy microbiology & probiotics nnooriatTehran.png
Nour-Mohammadzadeh Fereidoon Professor Newborns diarrhea, equine colic, diseases of the intestines of ruminants, diseases of the liver, diseases of the urinary system, & diseases of the nervous system fenouratTehran.png
Peighambari Seyed Mostafa Associate Professor Infectious diseases of poultry, avian immunology, & clinical avian medicine mpeighamatTehran.png
Raoofi Afshin Associate Professor Large animal internal medicine, eye diseases, & toxicology raoofiatTehran.png
Rezaeian Mohammad Associate Professor Yeast culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on rumen function, rumen microorganisms and fiber degradation, & enzymes as feed additives mrezaeeatTehran.png
Rezaian Maryam Professor Comparative histology, histometry, & histochemistry rezaianm@vetmed.ut.ac.ir
Rostami Amir Assistant Professor Internal medicine, exotic pet medicine, zoo, & wildlife medicine arostamiatTehran.png
Saberi Afshar Fereidoon Associate Professor Soft tissue surgery & anesthesia saberiafsharatTehran.png
Sadeghi-Hashjin Goudarz Associate Professor Airway pharmacology, experimental psychopharmacology, & free radical biology gsadeghiatTehran.png
Salar-Amoli Jamileh Associate Professor Diagnostic toxicology and related analytical methods, toxicity/safety tests & oxidative stress & intoxication jsalaratTehran.png
Sasani Farhang Associate Professor Respiratory pathology, hepatopathology, & neuropathology fsasaniatTehran.png
Sharifi Davood Professor Orthopedic (bone substitute & cell culture), thorasic surgery, & experimental surgery dsharifi@vetmed.ut.ac.ir
Shayan Parviz Associate Professor Molecular diagnosis of pathogens, vaccine development (Cryptosporidium, Theileria, Babesia, Anoplasma), & molecular analysis of drug resistance pshayanatTehran.png
Sheibani Mohammad Taghi Assistant Professor Comparative histology, fish histology, & immunohistochemistry tsheibani@yahoo.com
Shirani Darioush Assistant Professor Cardiac disease in small animal, & reproductive disease in small animal dshiraniatTehran.png
Shojadoost Bahram Associate Professor Poultry coccidiosis, clostridial diseases of poultry, & poultry vaccines and drugs bshojaeatTehran.png
Soltani Mehdi Professor Pathogenesis of viral and bacterial diseases, & immunopathogenecity of infectious diseases msoltaniatTehran.png
Soroori Sarang Associate Professor Horse radiography & ultrasonography sorooriatTehran.png
Taheri Mirghaed Ali Assistant Professor Infections diseases of aquatic animal health mirghaedatTehran.png
Tajik Parviz Professor IVM, IVF, & stem cells ptajikatTehran.png
Tavasoly Abbas Associate Professor Experimental pathology, pathology of infectious diseases especially paratuberclosis, & study of neoplasia atavosoliatTehran.png
Tootian Zahra Associate Professor Effect of toxin, reproductive system, & stifle joint tootianz@vetmed.ut.ac.ir
Vajhi Alireza Associate Professor Zoo & exotic animal imaging, aquatic, & fish radiology and ultrasonography, & marine mammal imaging avajhiatTehran.png
Vasfi Marandi Mehdi Professor Avian influenza, infection bronchitis, & avian pasteurellosis & mycoplasmosis mvmarandatTehran.png
Vodjgani Mehdi Associate Professor Infertility in cow, reproduction management & mastitis in cow, & cloning vodjganiatTehran.png
Yahyaraeyat Ramak Assistant Professor Mycology, molecular biology, diagnosis of fungal diseases ryahyaatTehran.png
Zahraei Salehi Taghi Professor Salmonella spp., E. coli, & vaccines, biological, chemical and molecular diagnosis of bacterial diseases tsalehiatTehran.png
Zargar Ashkan Assistant Professor Pathogenesis of fish viral diseases, cold-water culture zargaraatTehran.png
Zendehdel Morterza Assistant Professor Central control of appetite in chickens zendedelatTehran.png

For further information, please email the associate dean for international affairs: iavetatTehran.png