


The Faculty has 8 departments: 

  • English Language & Literature
  • French Language & Literature
  • German Language and Literature
  • Russian Language and Literature
  • Japanese Language & Literature
  • Urdu Language & Literature
  • Italian Language & Literature
  • Spanish Language and Literature

Besides the above mentioned, the Faculty has also established a Research Center for Comparative Literature, which conducts annual international seminars and is now working towards publishing these articles in its exclusive research journal. In addition, the Faculty hosts English language exams for applicants to Ph.D. programs at various universities. It is worth noting that in Iran, this exam is a prerequisite for admission to the Ph.D. programs at all of the universities. There is also a department for general language courses.

The 5-year development plan of the Faculty includes the establishment of departments and degree programs in Chinese, Turkish. Greek, Swedish and Portuguese languages as well as introducing Master’s and Ph.D. level programs in departments which currently lack graduate programs. The Faculty holds numerous Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with several renowned foreign universities, mainly concentrating on student and faculty exchange. Presently, there are approximately  806 undergraduate students, over 291 M.A. students, and over 115 Ph.D. students at the Faculty. The Faculty has  60 faculty members as well as several visiting professors from other institutions, including foreign universities. Additionally, the Faculty provides non-degree courses in different foreign languages to anyone interested.