About the Faculty


About the Faculty

Initially the faculty was a department within the Faculty of Literature from 1969. In 1988, it became an independent faculty with B.A. programs in English, French, Russian, Italian, German, Urdu, Spanish, and Japanese languages and literatures. Currently, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures is not merely a language center, but a fully fledged faculty with eight departments, which not only offers basic undergraduate and post-graduate courses, but also courses in literature, linguistics and translation studies for freshman, sophomore and senior students

The German Department's Ph.D. is in collaboration with the University of Potsdam Germany. Second compulsory languages taught at the Faculty include, Korean, Chinese, Catalan, and Turkish. The Objectives and Present Status of the Faculty may signifies in what Fredric Nietzche, in Human All Too Human puts it: “The significance of language for the evolution of culture lies in this, that mankind set up in language a separate world beside the other world, a place it took to be so firmly set that, standing upon it, it could lift the rest of the world off its hinges and make itself master of it. To the extent that man has for long ages believed in the concepts and names of things as in antennae verities’ he has proportioned to himself that pride by which he raised himself above the animal: he really thought that in language he possessed knowledge of the world.”

The study of languages is very important in today’s world, since language is a bridge to other cultures and societies.