Research Orientation and Projects


Research Orientation and Projects

The research activities in the Faculty of Environment encompass a wide spectrum of issues, such as optimization of water quality, engineering and distribution, wastewater collection, water and wastewater treatment, air and noise pollution engineering and their quality managements, reuse and recycling of solid waste, hydrology and water resources, groundwater pollution, marine pollution as well as solid and hazardous waste management.

Some of the research projects being conducted by the faculty members and students are as follows:

  1. Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling
  2. Comprehensive Plan on Urban Solid Waste Recovery and Disposal in Iran
  3. Comprehensive Plan on Industrial Hazardous Waste Management in Iran
  4. Comprehensive Management Plan of Natural Parks
  5. Comprehensive Management Plan of Kavir National Park
  6. Environmental Impact Assessment in Different Provinces, Iran
  7. Environmental Management Study on Water and Soil Resources in Iran
  8. Air Pollution Control Strategies and Methods in Major Cities of Iran
  9. National Preparedness and Mitigation Plan for Natural Disasters
  10. Study of Industrial Waste Water Treatment in Major Cities
  11. Indicators of Urban Environmental Quality
  12. Practical Guidelines and Mechanisms for Sustainable Development of Urban Areas
  13. Sustainable Development Concepts in Traditional Cities of Iran
  14. Indices for the Evaluation of the Quality of Urban Life in Iran
  15. Design of Abbasabad Botanical Garden in the City of Tehran with Reference to Educational Purposes
  16. Sustainable Landscape and Environmental Design of Damavand Power Plant
  17. Ecological Landscape Planning and Design of Tehran Oil Refinery Plant
  18. Air Pollution Control in Industries

More information on the Faculty’s research projects can be found at .