About the Institute


About the Institute

In 2003 and with support of the Ministry of Power, the Institute of Research in Energy Management and Planning was established at the School of Industrial Engineering. During the past 10 years, Institute has completed tens of projects commissioned by pertinent bodies in fields of energy management, economy of energy, energy productivity, accumulation of energy data in energy modeling, state of the art technologies, and energy policy-making.

The institute has held around 200 days of training courses in different fields for various experts. The institute has also supported tens of M.S. and PhD dissertations in the pertinent fields. Furthermore, different conferences are held by the Institute, including the First National Conference of Energy Management and Planning. Based on the recent agreement entered between Iran National Standard Organization and the Institute, new specific training courses and technical services in energy sector in the institute is planned.

Heads of the institute since the establishment are:

  • Dr. Seyed Farid Ghaderi (2003-2007)
  • Dr. masoud Rabani (2007-2013)
  • Dr. Seyed Farid Ghaderi (2013 up to now)

In 2012, an MBA-Energy Management program was designed in this institute and implemented by Iranian professors in 2013.