


The Institute’s further publications include:

  1. On Islamic Philosophy, over 15 books including:
    • Badawi. Aflatun fi al-Islam, text and notes (Tehran, 1974);
    • Masâri‘ al-Musâri‘, edited by Wilfred Madelung, with English introduction translated into Persian by Shiva Kaviani (Tehran 2004).
  2. On Transcendental Wisdom, eight books including:
    • Ta‘liqah bar Sharh-i Manzumah, Vol. I: Arabic text edited by A. Falatouri and M. Mohaghegh, with an English introduction by T. Izutsu (Tehran, 1973);
    • H. M. H. Sabzvari (1797-1878) Sharh-i Ghurar al-Fara’id or Sharh-i Manzumah, Part II: ‘Speculative Theology’, Arabic text and commentaries, edited with English and Persian introductions, and Arabic-English glossary by M. Mohaghegh (Tehran, second edition 1999).
  3. On Theosophy and Mysticism, 10 books including:
    • Rukn al-Din Shirazi (d. 1367) Nusus al-Khusus fi Tarjamat al-Fusus, edited by R.A. Mazlumi, with an article by J. Homa’i (Tehran, 1980);
    • Mohammad Hossein Karami, Knowledge and Wisdom as seen by Mawlavi, (Tehran: 2011).
  4. On Islamic Theology, six books including
    Shî‘î theology such as:
    • Martin J. McDermott, The Theology of al-shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022), Translated into Persian by A. Aram (Tehran, 1984);
    • Al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 1022) Awa’il al- Maqalat (Principle Theses), edited by M. Mohaghegh, with an English introduction by M.J. McDermott. (Tehran, 1993).
    Sunnî and Ismâ‘îlî theologies such as:
    • A. Jami (1414-1492) al-Durrat al-Fakhirah, edited with English and Persian introductions by N. Heer and A. Musavi Behbahani (Tehran, 1980);
    • Abû Hâtim al-Râzî (d. 934) Kitâb al-Islâh, prepared by Hassan Mînûchehr and M. Mohaghegh with English introduction by Shin Nomoto, translated into Persian by J. Mojtabavi (Tehran, 1998).
  5. Eleven Collected Papers and Articles, mostly by Professor Mehdi Mohaghegh, such as:
    • Collected Papers on Islamic philosophy and Mysticism, edited by M. Mohaghegh and H. Landolt (Tehran, 1971);
    • M. Mohaghegh(1930-) Series of Bist Guftar books (The Twenty treatises) on Persian Literature, Islamic Philosophy, Theology and History of Science in Islam, published in Tehran in 1976, 1986, 1990, 1997, 2001, 2006 and in 2008).

Another valuable contribution of IIS has been the publication of books on the contribution of Islamic civilization on science. These books include 17 valuable books, translations and editions on Medicine in the Islamic World; Veterinary Science; and Agriculture in Islamic World. Furthermore, over 20 books have been published by IIS on Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Logic, Ethical Philosophy, Islam and Modernism, and Comparative Philosophy.