About the Institute


About the Institute

The Construction Materials Institute (CMI) was established in 2001 with the goal of facilitating the transfer of academic insight to the construction industry and addressing the needs for knowledge-based solutions in the construction sector. CMI has successfully conducted numerous industrial research projects related to the durability of concrete, health monitoring, repair, rehabilitation and corrosion assessment of concrete infrastructure, performance-based quality control of concrete and controlled concrete mixture design. Furthermore, CMI has trained hundreds of graduate students and technicians and has organized several workshops in this field. The research orientation of CMI includes Concrete Structures Assessment and Repairing in Persian Gulf Region, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Self-Consolidating Concrete, Persian Gulf Durability Investigation Sites Establishment, Flowable Fill, Lightweight Concrete, Pozzolans, Concrete in Sewerage Environment, and Decorative Concrete. The Institute’s laboratory is one of the most reliable reference laboratory which contributes as technical laboratory to Construction Material Institute (CMI) .

CMI includes the following facilities and equipment: Freeze-Thaw Chamber and Test Equipment; Pull off Strength Measurement Apparatus; Los Angeles Resistance Abrasion Apparatus; Profile Grinder; Concrete Cover Meter; Concrete Creep Test Room; Four-point Electrical Resistivity Measurement Device (Wenner array probe); Plastic & Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Measurement System; Oxygen Concrete Permeameter; Concrete Core Drill Apparatus; Water Impermeability Apparatus; Concrete Compression and Flexural Testing Machines.