Faculty Members & Research Interests


Faculty Members & Research Interests

Last Name First Name Title Research Interests Email
Abili Khodayar Associate Professor Empowering of Faculty Members at the University of Tehran khoabiliatTehran.png
Afrooz Gholam Ali Professor Parent Education of Exceptional Children, Cross-cultural Studies of Exceptional Children, Preventive Strategies afroozatTehran.png
Arjmandnia Ali Akbar Assistant Professor Working Memory, Curriculum for Exceptional Children, Organizational Justice arjmandniaatTehran.png
Bagheri Khosro Professor Philosophy of Education, Islamic Education, Philosophy of Psychology khbagheriatTehran.png
Bahrami Ehsan Hadi Associate Professor Health Psychology, Psychology of Religion, Psychology of Family hbahramiatTehran.png
Bazargan Abbas Professor Research and Evaluation Methods in Education, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Pedagometrics abazargaatTehran.png
Bazargan Abbas Professor Research and Evaluation Methods in Education, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Pedagometrics abazargaatTehran.png
Beh-Pajooh Ahmad Professor Special Education, Family Studies & Parent Education of Exceptional Children, Mainstreaming & Inclusive Education behpajoohatTehran.png
Besharat Mohammad Ali Professor Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Sport Psychology besharatatTehran.png
Dadras Mohammad Assistant Professor Research Methodology, Linguistic Problems in Evaluation, Higher Education dadrasatTehran.png
Dorrani Kamal Associate Professor Adults Education, Educational Sociology kdorraniatTehran.png
Ezhei Javad Associate Professor Creativity, Giftedness, Personality javadejeiatTehran.png
Ghobari Bonab Bagher Associate Professor Family Studies of Exceptional Children, The Teachers of Exceptional Children, Exceptional Children and Teenagers bghobariatTehran.png
Gholamali Lavasani Masoud Associate Professor Motivation, Stress, Computer-Related Stress lavasaniatTehran.png
Ghorbani Nima Associate Professor Self-knowledge, Spiritual-dynamic Psychotherapy, Personality in a Cross-cultural Perspective nghorbaniatTehran.png
Hakimzadeh Rezvan Assistant Professor Curriculum Studies, Content Analysis, Factors Affecting Academic Performance hakim-re@yahoo.com
Hassanzadeh Saeed Assistant Professor Child Development, Communication and Social Development, Aural Rehabilitation shasanzatTehran.png
Hatami Javad Assistant Professor Social cognition, Culture & Cognition , Consciousness hatamijmatTehran.png
Hejazi Mooghari Elaheh Associate Professor Motivation, Gender, Identification ehejaziatTehran.png
Husseini Afzal-ul-sadat Associate Professor Creative and Critical Thinking, Creativity, Learning and Teaching afhoseiniatTehran.png
Iravani Shahin Assistant Professor Historical Aspect of Iran Educational System, Legal Aspect of Iran Educational System, Religious Aspect of Iran Educational System siravaniatTehran.png
Keramati Mohammad Reza Associate Professor Life Skills, Graduate Employment, Evaluation keramatiatTehran.png
Khalili Shiva Assistant Professor Awareness Research, Psychoanalysis, Counseling & Religion Psychology shivakhalili@yahoo.com
Kharrazi Ali Naghi Professor Information Technology & Educational Management, System Approach toward Education, Recent Theories in Organization of Management kharraziatTehran.png
Khodayarifard Mohammad Professor Psychoanalysis, Religious Studies, Psychology Interventions khodayariatTehran.png
Mirkamali Mohammad Professor Philosophy of Management, Behavior and Relations, Human Resource Management mkamaliatTehran.png
Naderi Aboulghsem Assistant Professor Economics of Education, Human Capital Development, Cognitive Economics anaderyatTehran.png
Poorhousein Reza Assistant Professor Developmental Studies, Self-review, Hypnotherapy prhoseinatTehran.png
Poornaghghash Tehrani Saeed Associate Professor Health Psychology, Addiction, Clinical Psychology & Family Studies spnaghashatTehran.png
Rahimi Nejad Abbas Assistant Professor Identity Development in Students, Standardization of Psychological Instruments (Personality), Psychology of Religion arahimiatTehran.png
Rezazadeh Mohammad Reza Assistant Professor The Psychology of Marriage and Divorce, Social Psychology, Psychological Islamic Issues rezazadeatTehran.png
Rostami Reza Associate Professor Neuroscience, Abnormal Psychology, ADHD & Learning Disability ( LD ) rrostamiatTehran.png
Sadeghi Nahid Assistant Professor Learning, Assessment and Evaluation sadeghiatTehran.png
Sadeghi Nahid Assistant Professor Learning, Assessment and Evaluation sadeghiatTehran.png
Sajjadi Hossein Associate Professor Creativity, Gifted Children hsajjadiatTehran.png
Sharafi jam Mohammad Reza Associate Professor Philosophy of Education, Islamic Philosophy of Education, Study Quran Attitudes msharafiatTehran.png
Shokohiyekta Mohsen Associate Professor Problem Solving Strategies, Anger Management, Stress Management shokoohiatTehran.png
Vaezi Mozaffaroddin Associate Professor Faculty Development in Education, School Supervision, Leadership in Higher Learning Organizations mzvaeziatTehran.png
Zibakalam Monfared Fatemeh Associate Professor Liberal Education, Contemporary Philosophies of Education, Curriculum and Its Roles on Philosophy of Education fzmofradatTehran.png

For further information, please email the associate dean for international affairs:iapsychologyatTehran.png