Faculty Members & Research Interests
Faculty Members & Research Interests
Last Name | First Name | Title | Research Interests | |
Abili | Khodayar | Associate Professor | Empowering of Faculty Members at the University of Tehran | khoabili![]() |
Afrooz | Gholam Ali | Professor | Parent Education of Exceptional Children, Cross-cultural Studies of Exceptional Children, Preventive Strategies | afrooz![]() |
Arjmandnia | Ali Akbar | Assistant Professor | Working Memory, Curriculum for Exceptional Children, Organizational Justice | arjmandnia![]() |
Bagheri | Khosro | Professor | Philosophy of Education, Islamic Education, Philosophy of Psychology | khbagheri![]() |
Bahrami Ehsan | Hadi | Associate Professor | Health Psychology, Psychology of Religion, Psychology of Family | hbahrami![]() |
Bazargan | Abbas | Professor | Research and Evaluation Methods in Education, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Pedagometrics | abazarga![]() |
Bazargan | Abbas | Professor | Research and Evaluation Methods in Education, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Pedagometrics | abazarga![]() |
Beh-Pajooh | Ahmad | Professor | Special Education, Family Studies & Parent Education of Exceptional Children, Mainstreaming & Inclusive Education | behpajooh![]() |
Besharat | Mohammad Ali | Professor | Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Sport Psychology | besharat![]() |
Dadras | Mohammad | Assistant Professor | Research Methodology, Linguistic Problems in Evaluation, Higher Education | dadras![]() |
Dorrani | Kamal | Associate Professor | Adults Education, Educational Sociology | kdorrani![]() |
Ezhei | Javad | Associate Professor | Creativity, Giftedness, Personality | javadejei![]() |
Ghobari Bonab | Bagher | Associate Professor | Family Studies of Exceptional Children, The Teachers of Exceptional Children, Exceptional Children and Teenagers | bghobari![]() |
Gholamali Lavasani | Masoud | Associate Professor | Motivation, Stress, Computer-Related Stress | lavasani![]() |
Ghorbani | Nima | Associate Professor | Self-knowledge, Spiritual-dynamic Psychotherapy, Personality in a Cross-cultural Perspective | nghorbani![]() |
Hakimzadeh | Rezvan | Assistant Professor | Curriculum Studies, Content Analysis, Factors Affecting Academic Performance | hakim-re@yahoo.com |
Hassanzadeh | Saeed | Assistant Professor | Child Development, Communication and Social Development, Aural Rehabilitation | shasanz![]() |
Hatami | Javad | Assistant Professor | Social cognition, Culture & Cognition , Consciousness | hatamijm![]() |
Hejazi Mooghari | Elaheh | Associate Professor | Motivation, Gender, Identification | ehejazi![]() |
Husseini | Afzal-ul-sadat | Associate Professor | Creative and Critical Thinking, Creativity, Learning and Teaching | afhoseini![]() |
Iravani | Shahin | Assistant Professor | Historical Aspect of Iran Educational System, Legal Aspect of Iran Educational System, Religious Aspect of Iran Educational System | siravani![]() |
Keramati | Mohammad Reza | Associate Professor | Life Skills, Graduate Employment, Evaluation | keramati![]() |
Khalili | Shiva | Assistant Professor | Awareness Research, Psychoanalysis, Counseling & Religion Psychology | shivakhalili@yahoo.com |
Kharrazi | Ali Naghi | Professor | Information Technology & Educational Management, System Approach toward Education, Recent Theories in Organization of Management | kharrazi![]() |
Khodayarifard | Mohammad | Professor | Psychoanalysis, Religious Studies, Psychology Interventions | khodayari![]() |
Mirkamali | Mohammad | Professor | Philosophy of Management, Behavior and Relations, Human Resource Management | mkamali![]() |
Naderi | Aboulghsem | Assistant Professor | Economics of Education, Human Capital Development, Cognitive Economics | anadery![]() |
Poorhousein | Reza | Assistant Professor | Developmental Studies, Self-review, Hypnotherapy | prhosein![]() |
Poornaghghash Tehrani | Saeed | Associate Professor | Health Psychology, Addiction, Clinical Psychology & Family Studies | spnaghash![]() |
Rahimi Nejad | Abbas | Assistant Professor | Identity Development in Students, Standardization of Psychological Instruments (Personality), Psychology of Religion | arahimi![]() |
Rezazadeh | Mohammad Reza | Assistant Professor | The Psychology of Marriage and Divorce, Social Psychology, Psychological Islamic Issues | rezazade![]() |
Rostami | Reza | Associate Professor | Neuroscience, Abnormal Psychology, ADHD & Learning Disability ( LD ) | rrostami![]() |
Sadeghi | Nahid | Assistant Professor | Learning, Assessment and Evaluation | sadeghi![]() |
Sadeghi | Nahid | Assistant Professor | Learning, Assessment and Evaluation | sadeghi![]() |
Sajjadi | Hossein | Associate Professor | Creativity, Gifted Children | hsajjadi![]() |
Sharafi jam | Mohammad Reza | Associate Professor | Philosophy of Education, Islamic Philosophy of Education, Study Quran Attitudes | msharafi![]() |
Shokohiyekta | Mohsen | Associate Professor | Problem Solving Strategies, Anger Management, Stress Management | shokoohi![]() |
Vaezi | Mozaffaroddin | Associate Professor | Faculty Development in Education, School Supervision, Leadership in Higher Learning Organizations | mzvaezi![]() |
Zibakalam Monfared | Fatemeh | Associate Professor | Liberal Education, Contemporary Philosophies of Education, Curriculum and Its Roles on Philosophy of Education | fzmofrad![]() |
For further information, please email the associate dean for international affairs:iapsychology