Departments and Degrees


Departments and Degrees

The Faculty has seven departments as follows:

  1. Psychology
  2. Philosophical & Social Foundations of Education
  3. Educational Administration and Planning
  4. Psychology & Education of Exceptional Children
  5. Educational Psychology & Counseling
  6. Curriculum Development & Instruction Methods
  7. Department of Educational Evaluation & Research
Departments Major/Specialization Bachelor Master PhD
Department of Psychology Clinical Psychology + + -
General Psychology - + -
Health Psychology - - +
Department of Philosophical & Social Foundations of Education History & Philosophy of Education - +  
The Philosophy of Education - - +
Department of Educational Administration and Planning Educational Administration & Planning + - -
Educational Administration - + +
Educational Planning - + -
Higher Education - - +
Department of Psychology & Education of Exceptional Children Psychology & Education of Exceptional Children + + +
Department of Educational Psychology & Counselling Counseling + - -
Family Counseling - + -
School Counseling - + -
Educational Psychology - + +
General Psychology - - +
Department of Curriculum Development & Instruction Methods Educational Technology + - -
Educational Research - + -
Adults Education - + -
Department of Educational Evaluation & Research Educational Research - + -
Educational Measurement and Evaluation - - +