Central Library and Documentation Center


As the largest academic library in Iran, the Central Library and Documentation Center of the University of Tehran includes a rich and broad selection of resources in different fields of science, technology and literature.

The holdings of the library include over one million books, periodicals, manuscripts, microfilms, pictorial copies, historical documents and photos, lithography books, academic dissertations, scientific documents and maps, over 120,000 books in English, French, German, Russian, Italian and other languages.

Since 1967, the Central Library and Documentation Center has become a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and institutions (IFLA).

The library holds a valuable set of manuscripts including historical documents, microfilms, pictorial manuscripts, rare books, lithography books, historical photos and handwriting of scholars and politicians. This collection includes about 17,000 volumes of manuscripts in Persian as well as other languages.

The Conservation and Restoration Department of the Library houses the Specialized Lab, the Renovation Workshop and the Special Bindery office. 


Contact Info.

  • Address: Central Library and Documentation Center, University of Tehran, Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran.
  • Tel: +98 (21) 66466179, +98 (21) 61112362
  • Fax: +98 (21) 66495388
  • Email: libpublicatTehran.png
  • Website: http://library.ut.ac.ir