General Office of (UT) President and Public Relations


Description of duties

  1. Adjusting programs related to meetings, conferences, trips, local and foreign visits of the President of the University of Tehran (UT) and preparing necessary reports
  2. Receiving and registering correspondences and invitations addressed to the President of UT and presenting them to the President for further instruction and sending them to the respective officials
  3. Following up the preparation of reports, data analysis in respect of minutes of meeting in which the President of UT attends through offices of vice-president and respective units
  4. Communicating agenda of meetings, minutes and instructions of the President of UT to the respective officials and units until getting results and presenting the report of performed actions
  5. Developing plans, policies and news, media, propagation and publication policies based on respective regulations
  6. Developing news, communiqués, advertisements and news messages of UT and taking action to publish and post them at various mass media
  7. Reflecting and explaining viewpoints, policies, plans and activities of UT to the society
  8. Reviewing the materials presented at mass media in connection with the activities of UT and responding to them if necessary and constant conveying information to the President of UT
  9. Studying the views and assessing public opinions within the framework of missions and duties of UT and presenting the results to the respective officials
  10. Planning and cooperating to hold conferences, seminars, festivals, exhibitions and formal parties, interviews and visits to UT
  11. Professional supervision on activities of public relations of faculties, colleges and affiliated units and institutions and coordinating and interacting with them
  12. Following up the implementation of all adopted approvals and decisions by the high board of recruitment
  13. Taking actions to form file and completing the records of staff and those applying to present service
  14. Reviewing and determining the ethical, ideological and political competency of staff and applicants who wish to serve at UT and faculties
  15. Dealing with and responding to the complaints of the employment applicants
  16. Preparing and establishment of data archive in connection with the recruitment of UT staff
  17. Presenting the results of various stages of selection of staff and those who apply to serve in administrative body
  18. Presenting and adjusting case by case and chronic reports of the recruitment activities of UT staff
  19. Making necessary planning to identify, collect and keep the dead records within the framework of respective regulations
  20. Receiving, registering, distributing and sending all incoming and outgoing issued letters of UT
  21. Performing other assigned duties of the President of UT

Contact Info.

  • Address: Public Relations Office, University of Tehran, 16 Azar St., Tehran, Iran.
  • Tel: +98 (21) 66462699, +98 (21) 66419831, +98 (21) 61112664, +98 (21) 61112970
  • Fax: +98 (21) 66405047
  • Email: publicrelatTehran.png