Vice-President, Research


Description of duties

  • Determining policies, orientations and research priorities within the framework of macro policies and strategies of university
  • Developing short-term, mid-term and long-term research plan for university through orientation, receiving and integrating research plans of affiliated faculties and units of university
  • Developing regulations related to supplying and allocating research resources and aids and announcing it to office of Vice-President, Planning and Information Technology
  • Conducting necessary studies in order to develop and adjust research regulations, standards and indexes of university
  • Performing necessary planning to manage the procurement and distribution of scientific sources
  • Adopting necessary measures to design and establish a strategic system in university research and monitoring the trend of development of research programs and activities
  • Policy making in order to develop and reinforce research services needed by faculty members, students and researchers of university and doing necessary actions through affiliated faculties and units
  • Arranging the management of centralized purchase and order of data bases, journals, books and any kind of data sources which is necessary for university, also coordinating and redeveloping the supply and equipping scientific sources at the level of affiliated faculties and units
  • Planning and monitoring the affairs related to Central Library and Documentation Center and University of Tehran Press
  • Evaluating and monitoring the performance of research centers and institutions
  • Developing the regulations for the selection of outstanding researchers of university
  • Performing other duties assigned to the Office by the President of the University


The Office of Vice-President, Research consists of:

  1. General Office of Planning and Research Monitoring
  2. General Office of Research Services and Publications
  3. Central Library, Documentation Center and Provision of Scientific Sources

Contact Info.

  • Address: Central Administration, Beside 16 Azar st., Enghlab Ave., Tehran, Iran.
  • Tel: +98 (21) 66400059
  • Fax: +98 (21) 66491399
  • Website: