Faculty Members & Research Interests

Last Name First Name Title Research Interests Email
Ahmadpur Dariyani Mahmood Associate Prof. Human Resources Management, The codification of successful and unsuccessful individual and organizational entrepreneurial experience in Iran ahmadpur@cic.aku.ac.ir
Akbari Morteza Assistant Prof.    
Arasti Zahra Associate Prof. Women’s Entrepreneurship, Social entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship education and stimulation arastiz@yahoo.com
Azizi Mohammad Assistant Prof. Entrepreneurship Education, Educational System, Entrepreneurial Traits, Psychological Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Rese m_azizi@sbu.ac.ir
Bagheri Afsaneh Assistant Prof.    
Chitsazan Hasti Assistant Prof. Entrepreneurial Finance hchitsazan@gmail.com
Didehvar Fatemeh Assistant Prof. Policy Making and Planning of Entrepreneurship of Entrepreneurship Development didehvaratTehran.png
Ekhlassi Amir Assistant Prof.   amekhlassiatTehran.png
Hejazi S. Reza Assistant Prof. Technological Entrepreneurship, Open Innovation, Product Design, Capacity Building for High-Tech, Entrepreneurship in Iran and Development of Philosophical and Religious Basic of Entrepreneurship hejazi@ent.ut.ac.ir
Hossieninia Gholam Hosein Assistant Prof. Entrepreneurship development in Agriculture and Environment :The role of Entrepreneurship on Developing Safe, Green and Sustainable Food Supply Chains hossieninia@yahoo.com
Imanipoor Narges Associate Prof. Operation management studies in SMEs: decision making perspective, Small medium sized enterprise, Entrepreneurial decision making, Operation management nimanipatTehran.png
Jafari Moghadam Saeed Assistant Prof. Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship policy, Entrepreneurship education, Business history smoghadamatTehran.png
Meigounpoory Mohammad Reza Assistant Prof. Strategic Management, Social Innovation meigounpooryatTehran.png
Mobaraki Mohammad Hassan Associate Prof. Entrepreneurial behavior (Perception, Passion, Intention, Self awareness, Self efficacy and Lifestyle), Management of Entrepreneurial information and impression, Heuristic decision making mhmobaraki@ent.ut.ac.ir
Mobini Dehkordi Ali Associate Prof. Strategic Management, Social Innovation amdshm@yahoo.com
Mohammadi Elyasi Ghanbar Associate Prof. System Management, Entrepreneurship based human development: how do entrepreneurs and managers learn elyasi_676@yahoo.com
MohammadKazemi Reza Assistant Prof. Sport/Tourism Businesses, Entrepreneurial Marketing r_mkazemiatTehran.png
Mojtaba Ali Assistant Prof.   a_davari@ent.ut.ac.ir
Momayez Ayatollah Assistant Prof. Entrepreneurship in Engineering and Management, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Systematizing Entrepreneurship, Industrial Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship in Building Industry, Systemizing Sustainable Entrepreneurship (SSE) on Engineering and Management-Theory & Practice (An introduction to Heavenly Entrepreneurship) a.momayez@gmail.com
Moradi Mohammad Ali Assistant Prof. , Macroeconomic Policy, Knowledge Driven Economy Entrepreneurship Public Policy mamoradi@yahoo.com
Nikraftar Tayebeh Assistant Prof.   nikraftar.a.raha@gmail.com
Razavi S. Mostafa Assistant Prof. Industrial Management, Innovation, Academic Entrepreneurship, University Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial University, Supply Chain Management Business Environment mrazaviatTehran.png
Rezvani Mehran Assistant Prof. International, Marketing, International Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Marketing Mehran.rezvani@gmail.com
Sadeqi Hossein Assistant Prof.   sadeqi.law@gmail.com
Sajjad S. Mojtaba Assistant Prof.   Sajjadi.Mojtaba@Gmail.com
Talebi Kambiz Associate Prof. International, Marketing, International Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Marketing Kambeiz@ent.ut.ac.ir
Yadolahi Farsi Jahangir Associate Prof. Strategies, Processes, Competencies, System and requirements of Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Opportunity Recognition, Commercialization of Research and Technology, Entrepreneurial opportunities, Research/technology commercialization, Innovation and business creation jfarsiatTehran.png
Zaefarian Reza Assistant Prof. Industrial Engineering, Social and Corporate Entrepreneurship (Role of Information Technology and Network rzaefarian@ ut.ac.ir
Zali Mohammad Reza Assistant Prof. Systems Management, Developing Theoretical and Applied Knowledge of Corporate Entrepreneurship (on the field of individual and organization on Iranian’s Companies Organizations and Institutions) mrzali@ent.ut.ac.ir
Zarei Gark Abadi Behrouz Associate Prof. Internationalization, Process Management, Huristic of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship in Information Technology bzareiatTehran.png
Ziya Babak Assistant Prof.   babak2004_zzz@yahoo.com

For further information, please email the associate dean for international affairs: iaentatTehran.png