Vice President for Academic Affairs


Professor Seyed Hossein Hosseini

Vice-President for Academic Affairs


The Vice-President for Academic Affairs is responsible for supporting the academic work of faculty members and students. This office monitors the university curriculum and new curricular initiatives, faculty employment and promotion.


Main duties

• Monitoring the academic status of UT and identifying academic opportunities

• Developing academic policies and perspectives

• Developing, proposing, implementing and amending academic programs in collaboration with respective units

• Promoting and improving academic services at colleges, faculties, and educational centers

• Supporting e-Learning activities

• Evaluating academic performance of faculty members and students



Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs

No. 58, Nosrat St., 16 Azar St., Enghelab Ave

Tehran, Iran

Tel: +98 (21) 61112635,

+98 (21) 66462697

Fax: +98 (21) 66419746

Email: ed_affairs [@]