Faculty Members & Research Interests


Faculty Members & Research Interests

• Faculty of Law

Last Name First Name Research Interests Email
Ahmadi Sajjadi S. Ali Commercial law; Economic law; Land registry law sahmadiatTehran.png
Alavi Ghazvini S. Ali  Family law (child law); contract law; Islamic jurisprudence saalaviatTehran.png
Alizadeh, Abdol Reza  Legal reasoning; Sociology of law; Labor law alizadehaatTehran.png
Azarbaijani Ali Reza Law of evidence ;Legal aid; Civil procedure abayejaniatTehran.png
Barikloo, Ali Reza Ali Reza Family Law; Insurance law; Contract law bariklowatTehran.png
Fathi Mohammad Javad Criminal procedure; Public criminal law; Criminal policy mjfathiatTehran.png
Ghanavati Jalil Law of obligations; contract & comparative contract law; Islamic law ghanavatyatTehran.png
Haddadi Mahdi International law ; International organizations; International arbitration mhaddadyatTehran.png
Haji Dehabadi Ahmad Special criminal law; Islamic criminal law  
Mahdizadeh Miandehi Ali General criminal law; Islamic criminal law; Islamic procedural law mahdizadatTehran.png
Mansorabadi Abbas Criminology and criminal law; Principles of public law  
Mir Khalili S. Mahmood Criminology; General criminal law  
Rafiei Mohammad Taghi Public law; Commercial law; Comparative law rafieiatTehran.png
Rahmatollahi Hossein Principles of public law; Electoral systems; Political sociology hrahmatatTehran.png
Sardoueinasab Mohammad International Trade Law; Tort law; Commercial law; Methodology of Islamic jurisprudence sardoeinasabatTehran.png
Shams Nateri Mohammad Ebrahim Islamic jurisprudence ; International criminal law ; Organized crimes eshamsatTehran.png
Shiravi Abdolhossein International trade law; International economic law ; Energy law ashiraviatTehran.png
Tabatabae S. Ahmad Law of armed conflicts; Law of peaceful settlement of international disputes; Peace studies satabaatTehran.png
Yasrebi S. Ali Mohammad Family law; Civil liability; Islamic legal rules myasrebiatTehran.png
Zarei Mohammad Hossein Criminology; Principles of international criminal law; General criminal law mhzarieatTehran.png

• Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence and Philosophy

Last Name First Name Research Interests Email
Abdollahi Mohammad Ali Speech act theory; Comparative study of Osul and analytic philosophy; Philosophy of ordinary language abdllahiatTehran.png
Adibi Mehra Mohammad Arabic Literature, Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) madibyatTehran.png
Ahangaran Mohammd Rasool Trades in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh); Legal judgment in the Islamic jurisprudence; Principles of Fiqh ahangaranatTehran.png
Asghari Javad Arabic and Persian fiction; Contemporary Arabic literature; Comparative literature  
Berenjkar Reza Theology in Greek philosophy & divine religions; Innate knowledge of God; Islamic sciences: theology, philosophy, gnostics berenjkaratTehran.png
Dibaji Farahvashani S. Mohammad Ali Philosophy of religion; Philosophy of ethics; Islamic philosophy & theology (Ibn Sina, Molla Sadra and Shekh Ishraq) dibajiatTehran.png
Elahian Mojtaba Morality in the society; Comparative jurisprudence (Fiqh); Applied jurisprudence elahianatTehran.png
Gandomi Nasrabadi Reza Western and Islamic philosophy rgandomiatTehran.png
Ghasemi Naser Comparative literature; Dramatic literature; Applied linguistics neserghasemiatTehran.png
Hosseini Koohsari S. Eshagh History of Islamic philosophy; Mental pressure in the Holy Quran; Gnostic interpretation of the Holy Quran hosseiniatTehran.png
Kabir Yahya Scientific methodology of Ijtehad; Human being & Islamic gnostics; Philosophy of education kabiratTehran.png
Mahdavirad Mohammad Ali History of the interpretation of Quran (1st to 14th century); Sciences of narration; Quranic sciences: miracles and linguistic  
Masoom Hossein Essence in Kant's philosophy; Plato's dialectic; What is "the exalted name of God"?  
Mehrnia Hassan Western and Islamic philosophy hmehrniaatTehran.png
Mir Hosseini Niri S. Ahmad Islamic knowledge; Islamic ethics and training; Islamic management mirhoseinatTehran.png
Mohammadi Moslem Western and Islamic philosophy; Philosophy of ethics mo.mohammadiatTehran.png
Mohammad-Rezai Ali Reza Linguistics; Semantics; Literature and psychology amrezaiatTehran.png
Mohammad-Rezai Mohammad Philosophy of religion and modern theology; Philosophy of ethics; Western and Islamic philosophy mmrezaiatTehran.png
Najarzadegan Fathollah Theology and Quranic sciences najarzadeganatTehran.png
Pur Rostami Hamed Theology and Quranic sciences purrostamiatTehran.png
Rahman-Doost Mojtaba Literature: novels and stories (innate and applied); Literature: sound and sense; Poems and stories  
Taheri Akerdi Habibollah Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and private law; Theology and Quranic sciences htaheryatTehran.png
Zakeri Mahdi The philosophy of mind; The philosophy of action; The philosophy of Donald Davidson  

• Faculty of Management

Last Name First Name Research Interests Email
Alavi Nasab S. Mohammad   alavinsbatTehran.png
Amiri Ali Naghi Comparative management; Islamic management; Human resource management anamiriatTehran.png
Bagheri Ghodrat Allah Sport psychology; Sport management; Research about soccer  
Gholi-Pour Rahmatollah Good governance; Sustainable human resource development; Public policy research rgholiporatTehran.png
Jandaghi Gholam Reza Quantitative models in management simulation; Mathematics education jandaghiatTehran.png
Khanifar Hossein Comparative research in value system; Entrepreneurship in SMEs; Ethical consideration in organization khanifaratTehran.png
Mahmoudi S. Mohammad Town and country planning; systems design; Management information system mahmoudiatTehran.png
Rahmati Mohammad Hossein Change management; Organization theory & design mhrahmatiatTehran.png
Zarea Hamid Organizational citizenship behavior; Social capital and public management hzareaatTehran.png
Zarei Matin Hassan Organizational behavior management; Organizational learning; Organizational culture matinatTehran.png

For further information, please email the associate dean for international affairs: iaqomatTehran.png