Programs & Degrees


Programs & Degrees

Schools Major/Specialization MA/MSc PhD
School of Agriculture & Natural Resources Agricultural Biotechnology + +
Agricultural Extension + +
Agricultural Management + +
Agricultural Mechanization + +
Agronomy, Crop Ecology + +
Animal Breeding and Genetics + +
Coexistence with Desert + +
Fisheries, Propagation and Aquaculture + +
Food Science, Biotechnology + +
Food Sciences, Engineering + +
Horticultural Science, Vegetable Physiology and Breeding + +
Plant Pathology + +
Range Management + +
Silviculture and Forest Ecology + +
Water Resources + +
School of Arts and Humanities Archeology + +
Criminal Law and Criminology + +
French Language and Literature + +
Geography and Urban Planning + +
Political Science + +
Private Civil Law + +
Public Law + +
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System + +
Russian Language Teaching + +
Sports Management + +
Sports Physiology + +
Teaching English as a Foreign Language + +
School of Engineering Environmental Engineering, Civil + +
Geophysics, Seismology + +
Health, Safety and Environment + +
School of Sciences Nano-Chemistry + +
Organic Chemistry + +
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences Accounting + +
Business Management, Insurance + +
Economic Development and Planning + +
Executive Management, Marketing and Export + +
Executive Management, Strategic Management + +
Financial Management + +
Industrial Management, Production + +
MBA, Human Resources Management + +
MBA, Marketing + +
MBA, Strategic Management + +
Social Sciences Research + +
Theoretical Economics + +
Tourism Planning + +