UT President attends the AIT 60th Anniversary Presidents Forum in Thailand

26 October 2019 | 15:23 Code : 9821 Events

On October 24, 2019, Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran attended the AIT 60th Anniversary Presidents Forum and related events. The AIT 60th Anniversary Presidents Forum included the following programs:


Social Impact with Innovation

Session I: How university has Injected Innovation into the Research in Social Impact


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and other leading-edge technologies now have permeated in many research fields. How university has incorporated some of these technologies in research in traditional social impact areas like climate change, food, energy, water, or infrastructure etc.?

Prof. Bundhit Eua-arporn, President, Chulalongkorn University — Chairman

Prof. Zhou Yu, President, Harbin Institute of Technology

Prof. Umran S. Inan, President, Koc University

Prof. Kazuya Masu, President, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President, University of Tehran

Session II: How university collaborates globally with academic, government, multinationals, or non-profit Organizations in Social Impact Research

Most problems with social impact implications are global, like Climate Change, or has intimate relations with government policies, or will have interest by NGO’s specializing in those areas. How university works with these organizations or global universities and businesses in sustainable development research?

Prof. Denis Simon, Vice Chancellor, Duke Kunshan University—Chairman

Prof. Julia Buckingham, Vice Chancellor, Brunel University London

Prof. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, Vice Chancellor, Kathmandu University

Prof. Hideo Ohno, President, Tohoku University

Prof. Mohamed Ibrahim bin Abdul Mutalib, Vice Chancellor, Universiti Teknologi Petronas

Prof. Kil-Choo Moon, President, University of Science and Technology Korea

Session III: How university maintains a sustainable campus both in teaching and in campus operations

Turning a university campus into a sustainable and green campus requires policy, dedication, investment, and education of students, faculty, and staff. How University been doing in this effort and are there things we can all learn from participating universities which  pursue this goal?

Prof. Jaak Aaviksoo, Rector, Talinn University of Technology – Chairman

Prof. Roger Chen, President, I-Shou University

Prof. Tan Eng Chye, President, National University of Singapore

Datin Dr. Anita Abdul Aziz, Vice Chancellor, Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Prof. Kyosuke Nagata, President, University of Tsukuba

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