ILSA Executive Director visits UT

Lesely Benn, The International Law Students Association(ILSA) Executive Director visited UT and met with Prof. Ghahramani,Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran on 27 August, 2019. In this meeting which was held in the presence of Prof. Ebrahimpour, Prof. Vakili , Prof. Soltani faculty members of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General for Office of International Relations, both sides exchanged ideas about promotion of collaboration between ILSA and UT.
The International Law Students Association(ILSA)
As a result of this meeting , it was agreed in principle that ILSA and UT work on the followings:
-Joint conferences on Islam and international law
- Participation of UT students and faculty members in Jessup International Law Moot Court Competitions
- Contribution in international law week
-Collaboration of UT faculty members ( judges ) in ILSA events
- Submission of papers by UT academicians and student in Jessup journal
- Cooperation with Chapter program of ILSA
- Holding specialized conferences
- Exchanging ideas on holding regional events
-To have further collaboration of ILSA in AUAP
Lessely Benn in a part of her talk stated that UT visit and cooperation in the past has been incredibly impressive and it is the face of higher education in Iran. She further expressed her hope for future academic collaboration. The two sides decided to continue their contacts and work on promoting mutual academic ties.
It is worth noting that Lesely Benn, The International Law Students Association(ILSA) Executive Director also paid a visit to Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and met with Prof. Takhshid the Dean and some other professors.
The International Law Students Association(ILSA) is the home of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. As a non-profit association of students and lawyers who are dedicated to the promotion of international law, ILSA provides students with opportunities to study, research, and network in the international legal arena. The organization's activities include academic conferences, publications, the global coordination of student organizations, and the administration of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
MISSIONThe mission of the International Law Students Association is TO…
EDUCATE students and lawyers around the world in the principles and purposes of international law, international organizations and institutions, and comparative legal systems, through activities that include academic conferences, the publication of books, magazines, and other academic resources, the global coordination of student chapter organizations, and the administration of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
ENCOURAGE COMMUNICATION among students and lawyers from different parts of the world in an effort to promote international understanding and cooperation in general, and the advancement of legal education in particular
CONTRIBUTE TO LEGAL EDUCATION, to foster mutual understanding, and to promote social responsibility of students and lawyers
PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES for law students and lawyers to learn about other cultures and legal systems in a spirit of critical dialogue and international cooperation;
ASSIST LAW STUDENTS and lawyers to be internationally-minded and professionally skilled
ASSIST IN AND ENCOURAGE the development of international career resources and opportunities for internationally-minded students and lawyers
ENGAGE in other activities related to the development and promotion of international law, study, and practice generally
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