Iran, China to Hold Joint Addiction Workshop

30 July 2019 | 00:00 Code : 8904 News Events

The first Iranian-Chinese joint workshop on drug addiction will be held in Tehran mid-August with the participation of leading scholars and researchers from both countries.

The joint workshop will be held in order to develop cooperation between Iranian and Chinese scientific and research centres and to implement collaborative research projects by researchers from both countries.

Paving the ground for strengthening joint clinical trials between the Chinese Institute of Psychology, under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Iran’s National Science Foundation (INSF), is among the goals of holding the first joint workshop between Iran and China in the field of addiction.

In this workshop, 13 leading Iranian and Chinese scholars and researchers will share their latest findings and information in the area of addiction, and in this context, the issue of implementing joint research projects will also be discussed at specialised panels.

All the students, researchers, faculty members and elites in the field of basic research, prevention, treatment and other specialised aspects of addiction have been asked to attend this scientific meeting to present their suggestions and views to strengthen the development of international cooperation.

This international workshop on addiction will be held with the support and cooperation of several other scientific and academic centres, including National Brain Mapping Lab of Iran, Shahid Beheshti and Tehran Universities of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University, University of Tehran , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and the Laser and Plasma Research Institute as of August 16.

Courtesy of Tehran Times


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