Senior Vice-President of Chinese Xiamen University visits UT

19 June 2019 | 00:00 Code : 8595 News

Prof. Bin Yang , Senior Vice President accompanied by Prof. Tongwen Mao, Director of The Southern Base of Confucius Institute Headquarters , Office of Confucius Institute Affairs from Xiamen University, China paid a visit to UT and met with Prof. Ghahramani,Vice President for International Affairs.

During this meeting which was held in the presence of Prof. Bazrafshan , Iranian Director of UT Confucius Institute , Prof. Moshirzadeh, Advisor to the Dean of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences on Int.Affairs , Eskandari, Director General for Office of International Relations and Ms. Moradian , Staff of Office of Int. Relations , both sides exchanged ideas and agreed upon the followings:

  1.  Exchange of students
  2. Working on summer schools
  3. Joint research  programs
  4. Chinese language and literature
  5. Persian language and literature
  6. Research stay for faculty members and students 
  7. Collaboration with Kish Int. Campus , UT
  8. Post Doc research stay for students in all fields in particular in mchanical ,chemical and civil Engineering



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