Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) high ranking delegation visits UT

14 April 2019 | 12:00 Code : 7924 Events

On 13 April, 2019, a high ranking delegation from Shanghai International Studies Univesity (SISU) led by Prof. ZHANG Feng , Vice President and comprised of Prof. WANG Zheng , Deputy Director , Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Prof. Wu Xinbo , School of International Relations and Public Affairs, and Prof. CHENG Tong , Dean and Professor of School of Asian and African Studies paid a visit to UT and met with Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs.

In this meeting which was held in the presence of Prof. Moshirzadeh, Advisor to the Dean of The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Prof. Rashtiani, Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Prof. Bazrafshan, Iranian Director to Confucius Institute at UT, Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations and Ms. Moradian, Expert on Int. Relations, the following subjects were mainly reviewed and discussed:

  • Brief introduction to University of Tehran and Shanghai International Studies University(SISU)
  • During the SISU presentation, it was annouced that SISU was founded in 1949. It has 15000 students and 1500 faculty members and staff
  • Various disciplines such as Management , Media, Law, Politics, Economy are offered at SISU
  • SISU programs are in agreement with Chinese development plan
  • 40 languages of instruction are in use.
  • High rate of employment of SISU graduates is one of the outstanding acheivement of SISU
  • Both UT and SISU are interested in holding cooperation on regional studies , Iranian studies , globalization , Chinese language, Persian language , history , silk road , Chinese studies , granting books to the library , using governmental scholarships
  • Both sides will considering to grant scholarships to students of each university. 
  • President Nili Ahmadabadi will be invited to attend the 70th Anniversary Ceremony of SISU

The delegation then visited Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and met with Prof. Takhshid, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and other faculty members as well.

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