Head of UT Center for Higher Studies of Islamic Revolution visits Malaysia and Indonesia

18 March 2019 | 00:00 Code : 7849 Events

In January, 2019, Prof. Mahmoud Vaezi, Head of UT Center for Higher Studies of Islamic Revolution in association with the Secretariat for Imam Reza (A.S.) International Congress paid a visit to Malaysia and Indonesia.

The purpose of the visit was to attend a series of seminars and meetings aiming at establishing academic ties and spreading the culture of dialogue among Muslim universities and cultural and religious institutions as well. 

The topic of some of the presentations in these events was focusing on intellect-oriented dialogues and also the role of Islamic teachings in co-existence of followers of divine religions.  

The visit of Prof. Vaezi mainly were to University of Malaya, International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia, Asian West East Institute (AsiaWe), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Islamic University of Nusantara, Indonesia and  People's Representative Council of Indonesia.

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