Minister of Education and Culture, Republic of Cyprus visits UT

26 February 2019 | 00:00 Code : 7660 Events

On February 23, 2019, H.E. Dr. Kostas CHAMPIAOURIS, Minister of Education and Culture , Republic of Cyprus along with accompanying delegation visited University of Tehran  and met with Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran and a number of deans and advisors to the dean on international affairs.

In the meeting two sides exchanged ideas on the ways to promote academic ties between UT and Cyprus universities and higher education institutions. They agreed upon the following in principle:

To help with the exchange of students and faculty, joint research projects, joint/dual degrees, granting scholarship, joint seminars, sharing experience on international programs in particular with Kish International Campus and other units as well, study tours for staff and students and exchange of academic publications

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