A message from Sergey Vasiliev and Nastassia Bulyga, Two Russian Students at UT

27 November 2018 | 08:00 Code : 6791 News Events

Being students of the Faculty of Asian and African Studies at St. Petersburg State University, we had an opportunity to participate in the exchange program of University of Tehran.

For the past two hundred years, the tradition of studying Persian language, which are inextricably linked with the rich literary heritage of Iran, had been carefully honoring at the Department of Persian Philology at Saint Petersburg State University.

As the key to the cultural code, traditions and modernity, language currently plays an important role in today’s world.

As one-term students at the Faculty of Literature and Human Science, in University of Tehran, we have been given a chance to plunge into the language environment, joining realities of modern Iran. We are involved in the educational process along with Iranian students, getting inspired for the future researches in the field of Iranian studies.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all the staff members of International Affairs Department of the University of Tehran, in particular to  Mr. Yazdanyar and Ms. Armand, for the excellent organization and assistance in solving the difficulties we have faced.

We hope that, communication in the field of education will favorably affect relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and  the Russian Federation in the future.

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