Director of Diplomacy Institute at Afghanistan MFA visits UT Faculty of World Studies

26 November 2018 | 15:00 Code : 6786 News Events

On November 14th 2018, in a session at the Faculty of World Studies, Dr. Speenghar, Director of Diplomacy Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan and his Deputy Director Abdul Matin Amin met with Dr. Ameli Dean of the Faculty of World Studies, Dr. Arabahmadi, Advisor to the Dean on International Affairs, and Dr. Alikhani Head of the Department of Western Asia and North African Studies.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Ameli, welcomed the delegation from the Afghanistan and pointed out to the high rank of the University of Tehran in Iran and also in the world. He then introduced the faculty, its departments and the research institutes active in the faculty. However, he expressed his regret for the lack of a Department for Afghanistan Studies at the Faculty and called Afghan students as "smart" students.

Then, Dr. Moheburrahman Speenghar marked the 64th anniversary of the Diplomacy Institute 's activities in educating and training human resources and also teaching different languages such as English, French, Arabic, Turkish, Russian and Chinese. He argued that current regional and global issues require the cooperation and exchange of information and the establishment of a regular systematic relationship between professors at various levels, through joint seminars and faculty exchange programs with the Department of World Studies. He also requested the Faculty of World Studies to play an active role, by its scientific and academic activities, in solving intellectual tensions and sectarianism in Afghanistan.

After that, Dr. Aliakbar Alikhani considered the issue of security in Afghanistan as an important matter, and called it necessary to refer to the Quran, the Tradition and scientific discussions to eliminate all forms of tribal and religious extremism in Afghanistan. He noted that, respect for humanity and the avoidance of war, violence and bloodshed are among rational readings of Islam, and therefore, having a scientific look and not a journalistic one in Afghanistan and in the region should be emphasized. While admiring Afghanistan's scientific centers which are working on peace and conflict resolution, Dr. Alikhani announced the holding of the International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution, and invited Afghan scholars to attend the conference and become a member of the center.

Later, Mr. Amin admired the Faculty of World Studies and appreciated the books, articles, and the scientific and influential figure of Dr. Ameli. Mr. Amin described tribal and ethnic wars in Afghanistan as a result of foreign interventions that abuse the poverty and lack of literacy among the Afghan people. He asked the Faculty of World Studies to pave the way for further scientific engagement between the two countries by helping to feed the thoughts of the Afghan community. He added that Iran and Afghanistan have firm historical, religious, civilizational, linguistic and fraternal ties and have lived side by side through peace and tranquility. According to him, in the homes of most Afghan people, along with the Holy Quran, there is a Divan of Hafez, the Persian poet. Afghan children learn to read these poems, and classes of reading Rumi’s Masnavi are held in Afghanistan. Deputy Director of Diplomacy Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan considered Iranian books as the only Persian source for Afghanistan scientific community through years. He identified Afghan students as students who, due to their historical suffering and deprivations, were forced to try harder to seek more compensation and to save the opportunities.

Then, Dr. Amir Bahram Arabahmadi emphasized the historical and friendly relations between Iran and Afghanistan and pointed out Iran's support for the country even during the war era. However, he regretted over the negative images that the media provides about Iran in Afghanistan.

In summing-up, Dr. Saied Reza Ameli called the history of Afghanistan a history that has had a great deal of difficulties. Russia's past interventions and current US interventions have seriously damaged the country. Dean of the Faculty of World Studies said that supporting Afghanistan's stability is an important issue and Iran's role in the region have never meant for the development of its regional sovereignty but to resolve regional problems and provide security.

He added that many academic interactions are more effective than diplomatic activities. Dr. Ameli described the region as like having “Westoxificated". He then referred to the guidance of the Iran’s Supreme Leader on looking at “the domestic potentialities”, and expressed his regrets that despite the fact that the region’s serious problems are caused by the West, yet many are still looking towards the West. He added that Iran has always had a humanitarian look towards its neighbors and Islamic countries, as it was advised by Imam Ali (as) to Malik Ashtar, to be gentle to the people, because "they are either your brethren in religion or your brethren in kind". As a professor of social sciences, Dr. Ameli said that the intellectual community must solve problems rather to generate them. He believed that Afghanistan is not as it is represented by the media, so is Iran. These unreal images of the developments are due to media and politics which are knowingly or unknowingly representing them. Dr. Ameli expressed his readiness of the Faculty of World Studies to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Diplomacy Institute, and the possibility for the use of the digital library of the Faculty. Finally, he invited the Afghan guests to visit the Central Library and Documentation Center of the University of Tehran.


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