Norwegian Ambassador meets UT President

14 November 2018 | 10:00 Code : 6703 News Events

On November 6, 2018, Mr. Lars Nordum, the Ambassador of Norway to I. R. of Iran paid a visit to University of Tehran and met with Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, the President of University of Tehran.

In the meeting , first a brief report about UT activities was presented by UT President Nili Ahmadabadi in particular on UT strategic plan with a focuse on internationalization, international campuses and Science and Technology Park.

Furthermore, President Nili Ahmadabadi talked about the position of UT graduates in administrative body of the country, publications of UT faculty members and students and the social responsibility of UT.

During the presentation, there were references to recent EU-Middle East Forum which was held in Kish International Campus of UT and the record of cooperation between UT and Norwegian universities.

Mr. Lars Nordum, The Norwegian Ambassador also thanked the President for explanations and stated that his main purpose of visit to UT was to get further familiar with the scope of activities of UT and cultivating the ways to boost academic cooperation between UT and Norwegian universities and higher education and research institutions.

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