The visit of a French delegation to UT

24 September 2018 | 11:00 Code : 6319 Events

A high ranking French delegation comprised of the following officials from CNAM recently visited, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.


    1. Mr. Thibaut Duchene (TD) – Deputy Administrator of the Cnam
    2. Prof. Karim Medjad (KM) – Head of the Chair International Business Development
    3. Dr. Thierry Coville (TC) – Specialist in TVET and public administration training
    4. Mrs. Kim Vu (KV) – International Development Project Manager
    5. Dr. Ali Moini (AM) – Coordinator
    6. Dr. Mohammadreza Abbasi Naderpoor (RN) – Advisor


The basic mission of the delegation was to engage in a close collaboration with selected partners in Iran, to collect and analyze the needs and expectations of these partners,to select sectors for pilot projects to be conducted in 2018-2019 in relevant areas such as: Urbanism, Entrepreneurship, Construction, Games and interactive media etc and to prepare the basis of implementation agreements to be signed between CNAM and these partners


 During the meeting with the officials and faculty members of the College of Fine Arts, the following issues were discussed:

  • Introducing the capacities and potentials of cooperation
  • Expressing the CNAM experiences on training programs for the university students
  • Teacher training and skilled human force mobility
  • Sharing the experience of ties with industry
  • Exchange of ideas on grants, visa, and mobility challenges
  • Taking part in workshops, short-term training program, technical and vocational programs
  • Conducting joint research project,...



Note: The Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM; English: National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts) is a doctoral degree-granting higher education establishment (or grand établissement) and Grande école in engineering, operated by the French government, dedicated to providing education and conducting research for the promotion of science and industry. It has a large museum of inventions accessible to the public.




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