A High Ranking Delegation from the Indonesian BPK visits UT

24 July 2018 | 00:00 Code : 6044 News Events

According to the website of THe Audit Board of the Republic of Indonisia( BPK), on 24 July, 2018, a high ranking delegation from Indonesia paid a visit to Iran and University of Tehran and had a joint meeting with UT officials led by Prof. Yazdani, Vice President for Finance and Administration.


The text of the news posted at BPK website reads as follows:


BPK Strengthens Its Audit Capacity through the 6th Joint Seminar Conducted Together with Iran Supreme Audit Court (SAC)


25 July, 2018

The Supreme Audit Court (SAC) of the Islamic Republic of Iran once again held a Joint Seminar in the framework of the MoU implementation of the bilateral cooperation between BPK and the SAC of Iran. The Joint Seminar taking place from July 22 to 25, 2018 in Tehran, Iran, was the sixth seminar as agreed in the 2016 Action Plan. During the seminar, BPK delegates were led by the BPK Board Member V, Isma Yatun, who was accompanied by BPK’s Officials namely Maulana Ginting, Indria Syzinia, Fonel Intania Permata, and Tyas Utami Dibyantari. The seminar was also attended by the Indonesian Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Octavino Alimudin.

The 6th Joint Seminar discussed among others were audit on the Sharia Banks, State Islamic Universities, Government e-Procurement, and improvement of the quality of the audit report. Both SAIs presented their respective experiences in audits.

During the courtesy call with the SAC President of Iran, Adel Azar, the BPK Board Member V stated that the Joint Seminar was an implementation of the MoU on the bilateral cooperation, reflecting both SAI's commitment in improving existing relationships and cooperation. It is expected that the Joint Seminar will enable the two SAIs to obtain its benefits to increase the audit capacity. Meanwhile, Adel Azar hoped that the cooperation between the two SAIs can be further enhanced by expanding as well as adding topics of the cooperation to be the focus of the second action plan.

In the meantime, the two SAIs had the opportunity to visit University of Tehran to find out the use of IT systems to support the accrual based accounting. The two SAIs also made direct visit and observation on the implementation of e-procurement at the E-procurement Center of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The 6th Joint Seminar between BPK and the SAC of Iran was concluded with the signing of the second cooperation action plan for 2019. The signing was conducted by the BPK Board Member V, Isma Yatun and two SAC of Iran’s Vice-Presidents, Kiumars Davoodi and Shahram Eshragh.


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