UT President attends The XI Assembly of the Russian Rectors’ Union

28 April 2018 | 16:00 Code : 5567 Events


The XI Assembly of the Russian Rectors’ Union “ Universities in the era of big challenge” was held at the venue of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, main building, Russia on 26th  April, 2018.

Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran accompanied by Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran attended this event. Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi also presented a lecture at one of the specialized panels.

The event was held in the presence of Mr. Putin, the President of Russian Federation, Russian Minister of Science, Head of Academy of Science, Head of Higher Education Committee, presidents of about six hundred universities and higher educational institute from Russia and foreign countries. 

The main issues which were discussed in the event included the followings:

-International educational and scientific cooperation: forms and mechanisms, Russian universities in international ranking. Moscow International Ranking, The Three University Missions, Internationalization of Russian education , Development of the export potential of the Russian educational systems, Cooperation between universities and the media in promotion of Russian educational aboard, Oversea branch of Russian universities and joint universities, International competitiveness of Russian universities, International youth forums and Models of international cooperation in science and technology.


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