AUF Rector meets UT President

25 April 2018 | 10:04 Code : 5548 News Events


On 23 April, 2018, Dr. JEAN-PAUL DE GAUDEMAR, Recteur de l'Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF) met Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran on 23 April, 2018.

The Rector of AUF was accompanied by Prof. Hervé  SABOURIN, Regional Director of AUF. Mr. Jean-Christophe Bonté, Scientific and Technical Collaborations in France Embassy in Iran and Ms. Zohreh Mirbaha Services Officer for Cooperation and Cultural Action at  French Embassy in Iran

During the meeting, both sides exchanged ideas on promotion of French language in UT, cultural programs, scholarships and joint projects with the support of AUF and UT.


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