UNESCO officials visit UT

23 April 2018 | 16:00 Code : 5534 News Events

Mr. ALEXANDER SCHISCHLIK, Chief of Section at Division of Ethics, Youth and Sport of Unesco met Prof.  Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran on 22 April, 2018.

In this meeting, Mr. Schischlik was accompanied by, Ms. Esther Kuisch Laroche Director and Representative UNESCO Cluster Office in Tehran and UNESCO’s Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkmenistan,Dr. Sadollah Nasiri Gheydari, Secretary General of the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO and Dr. Sheida Mahnam, Head of Department of Social and Human Sciences at Iranian National Commission for Unesco.

The other participants in the meeting were Prof. Rajabi, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, UT , Prof. Ghahramni, Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Sarsangi, Vice President for Cultural Affairs  and Mr. Eskandari, Director General for International Office, UT.

Exchanging ideas on ethics, youth and sports issues, Prof. Nili Ahmadabadi , the President and Prof. Rajabi , Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences explained about the capacities of UT and the mentioned faculty and the Unesco official also elaborated on the scope of activities of his section and the significance of mutual collaboration with UT.

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