Deputy Secretary General, Henan Education Association for International Exchange met Director General, Office of International Relations

05 March 2018 | 15:00 Code : 5359 News Events

Mr. He Qing, Deputy Secretary General, Henan Education Association for International Exchange accompanied by Mr. Wang Yong, Managing Director of Henan Yujiao International Education Consulting Co. Ltd and Prof. Yu Guili, faculty member of Beijing University of Foreign Studies, China met Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations, University of Tehran in February, 2018.

In this meeting, the Chinese delegation explained about the capacity of Henan province in China and its universities for establishing mutual cooperation with UT on various academic fields. The Chinese delegation in particular expressed their interest to cooperate with the Chinese language and studies departments in UT and regional studies and traditional medicine as well. The members of the delegation were also introduced to Tehran University of Medical Science for professional discussion on Chinese acupuncture field and cultivating possible cooperation.

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