An official from Max Planck Institute, Germany visited University of Tehran

An official from Max Planck Institute, Germany visited University of Tehran

27 February 2018 | 12:00 Code : 5327 News Events

On 25 February, 2018 , Dr. Felix Kahle from Max Planck Institute, Germany met Prof. Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran. Dr. Flexi Kahle was accompanied by Prof. Sandoghdar from FAU, Germany. The meeting was held in the presence of Dr. Zamani, Advisor to the Dean of College of Engineeering on Int. Affairs, Dr. Sharifi, Director General for Educational Services, Dr. Nejat, Deputy Director General for Planning, Dr. Mohammadipanah, Advisor to the Dean of the College of Sciences on Int. Affairs, Dr. Akhondzadeh, Director General for Int. Students, Eskandari, Director General for Int. Relations and Ms. Davanlou, Head of Scientific and International Cooperation Department.

In this meeting, following mutual discussion, it was agreed in principle that Max Planck Institute considers granting a limited number of short term internship and research scholarships and grants to the students of the University of Tehran (at all academic levels) and professors as well in the near future. The details of these scholarships and the requirements to apply will be announced later on.

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