The Twelfth Confucius Institute Conference was held in Xi'an city, P.R. of China

The Twelfth Confucius Institute Conference was held in Xi'an city, P.R. of China

19 December 2017 | 08:05 Code : 5016 News Events Selected News
The Twelfth Confucius Institute Conference was held in Xi'an city, P.R. of China

The 12th Confucius Institute Conference was held in Xi'an, city, P.R. of China on the 12th to 13th, December, 2017. The theme of the conference was to deepen cooperation, innovation and development, contribute to the construction of "the common destiny of mankind.

Prof. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran attended  in one of the specialized panels of this event, President Nili Ahmadabadi was accompanied by Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs and Prof. Amin Bazafshan, Iranian Director of UT Confucius Institute as well.

Confucius Institutes

The Confucius Institutes are non-profit public institutions co-established by foreign institutes of education and Hanban with the support of Chinese partner schools, which aim to promote Chinese language and culture in foreign countries which were launched by Chinese Central Government in 2004. They have provided scope for people all over the world to learn about Chinese language and culture. In addition they have become a platform for cultural exchanges between China and the world as well as a bridge reinforcing friendship and cooperation between China and the rest of the world and are much welcomed across the globe. Currently, 525 Confucius Institutes have been established in 146 countries and regions.

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