Regional Director of AUF visited University of Tehran
Regional Director of AUF visited University of Tehran

Prof. Herve SABOURIN, Regional Director of (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie AUF met Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramni, Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran on 3 December, 2017.
The meeting was held in the presence of Prof. Kamarei, Dean of the Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, Prof. Gatmiri, UT representative at CONFREMO, Mr. Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations, Ms. Davanlou, Head of Department of International Scientific Cooperation, Mr. Jean-Christophe Bonte, Attaché de Cooperation Scientifique et Technique, Embassy of France and Ms. Mirbaha from the Cultural Section of the Embassy.
In this meeting, both sides exchanged ideas on the possibility of granting AUF scholarships to the Ph.D, students of UT in all fields for 3 to 6 months. This will be made through a MoU which will be signed mutually in the near future. Based on this negotiation, each year 5 students will be selected and introduced by a joint committee for the program on bilateral or tripartite financial funding.
Holding a joint conference in the future months in association with AUF and French embassy was also agreed upon in principle in this meeting. The participants of the event will be the professors of French-speaking universities from different countries.
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