Vice President for International Relations of Université de Tours, France paid a visit to University of Tehran
Vice President for International Relations of Université de Tours, France paid a visit to University of Tehran

Dr. Marc Desmet, Prof. of Geology and Geochemistry and Vice President for International Relations of Université de Tours, France paid a visit to UT and met with Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs, UT in November, 2017.
The meeting was held in the presence of Prof. Homeira Moshirzadeh , Faculty Member of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Prof. Haideh Laleh, Faculty Member of the Institute of Archaeology, Mr.Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations, and Ms. Freshteh Davanlou, Head of Department of International and Scientific Cooperation and Ms. Mirbaha from Cultural Section of French embassy.
In this meeting, Prof. Ghahramani gave a brief report about the UT and voiced the readiness of UT to develop ties with University of Tours.
Dr. Marc Desmet presented a report about his university and the areas of cooperation which both sides can work on it. He further stated that his university wants to focus on partnership with universities in Iran in various areas including: Student mobility, research programs, social economic development, funding academic exchange programs.
Following a short report by Prof. Laleh and Prof. Moshirzadeh , Ms. Davanlou and Prof. Ghahramani, both sides agreed upon the followings:
1. Holding a workshop on June in France in association with the Institute of Archeology and the cultural heritage Tours university project.
2. Holding a seminar or workshop for the UT student in the field of archeology in the venue of Institute of Archaeology in Iran by next semester. (The archeological map of France and experiences gained will be presented)
3. Granting admission to 1 student from France (Université de TOURS) and 1 student from Iran (UT) in any field of interest at Master’s degree program or Ph.D. ( in particular , mechanical engineering, computer engineering, etc) Through such an exchange program, the tuition fee will be waived by each side and they will be helped to be housed in each university dormitories.
4. Working on arranging a summer course program for the students of UT in various fields who want to promote their language skills in French with the help of embassy and AUAF (focusing on Bachelor’s degree program)
5. Holding workshop of mutual visit and working on a research project dedicated to comparative law in collaboration with the Faculty of Law and Political Science
6. Dissemination of information about the scholarships which are available for the students and scholars of each university
7. Arranging mutual visits on different fields of study for the professors and students ( in particular on cultural and social areas)
8. Establishing direct contact between professors of both universities
9. Both sides agreed to work on MoU after specifying the areas of collaboration
10. University of Tours and University of Tehran will work on global issues such as water resources, environment and natural heritage, etc
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