Cultural Attaché of the Republic of Iraq met Vice President for International Affairs
Cultural Attaché of the Republic of Iraq met Vice President for International Affairs

Dr. Yasser Abdul Zahra Al-Hajjaj, Cultural Attaché of the Republic of Iraq met Prof. Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs on 15 November, 2017. In this meeting, Dr. Al- Hajjaji who is a graduate of University of Tehran expressed his hope for the promotion of academic ties between University of Tehran and universities in Iraq. Exchanging ideas on various areas of cooperation, Prof. Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs stated that University of Tehran will be pleased to help with the expansion of academic collaboration with the Muslim and neighbor country of Iran and both sides decided to work on the promotion of the followings:
Sabbatical leave and research stays of faculty members and students, joint research projects, joint supervision of dissertations and theses, Persian language and literature and Arabic language and literature, branch or office of UT in Iraq, knowledge-based companies, various areas of industries such as oil, gas and energy, agriclture, using laboratories of UT by Iraqi students,joint publications and any other areas of mutual interest.
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