Forest Policy Officer of the United Nations visited University of Tehran College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UTCAN)

Forest Policy Officer of the United Nations visited University of Tehran College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UTCAN)

30 October 2017 | 16:00 Code : 4760 News Events

Dr. Benjamin Singer, Forest Policy Officer at the United Nations Forum on Forests and the representatives of the Forests, Rangelands and Watershed Management Organization met with the Dean, Vice Deans, Head of Departments and Faculty Members of the Forestry and Wood Products Departments of the Faculty of Natural Resources of the UTCAN on Oct. 24, 2017. During the meeting, both parties presented a report on past activities and planned projects for the future, and emphasized on the continuing collaboration between the Faculty of Natural Resources, Forests, Rangelands and Watershed Management Organization and the United Nations Forum on Forests in the implementation of joint projects.

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