University of Humboldt delegation visited University of Tehran

University of Humboldt delegation visited University of Tehran

09 October 2017 | 13:00 Code : 4650 News Events Top News

The delegation of  University of Humboldt, Germany including the following officials and faculty members paid a visit to University of Tehran on 9 October, 2017.

1. Prof. Dr. Rolf Schieder, Faculty of Theology

2. Prof. Dr. Emil List-Kratochvil, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Departments of Physics and Chemistry

3. Dr. Nikolai Puhlmann, Manager of the Integrated Research Institute for the Sciences (IRIS)

4. Prof. Dr. Talja Blokland, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Urban Sociology

5. Prof. Dr. Manja Stephan, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Islam in Asian and African Societies

6. Prof. Kümmerle, Head of Conservation Biogeography Lab at HU Berlin's Institute of Geography

The delegation visited  and met with the authoritieis and faculty members of the College of Engineering , Faculty of World Studies and Faculty of Social Sciences.The main areas of discussion during these visits and meetings included establishment of academic ties, exchange of faculty members and students, joint research projects, dual degrees as well as joint publications

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Your Comment :

shariki mohammad 30 October 2017 | 11:42
thanks of delegation that visited of tehran university please send me advance object and content of hse.