A high ranking delegation from University of Nizwa, Oman visited College of Science, University of Tehran

A high ranking delegation from University of Nizwa, Oman visited College of Science, University of Tehran

09 October 2017 | 08:49 Code : 4646 News Events Top News

On 8 October, 2017, a delegation from University of Nizwa visited College of Sciences, University of Tehran.

The delegation was comprised of the following officials:

1. Prof. Ahmed Al-Harrasi, Vice-chancellor for Graduate Studies, Research and External Relations (natural products, organic Synthesis, drugs discovery, molecular biology)

 2. Dr. Issa Al-Amri, Director of Daris Research Center (electron microscopy, In vivo studies)

3. Dr. Sulaiman Al-Hashimi, Director of Stem Cell Research Unit (stem cells and venomics)

4. Mr. Bader Al-Sulaimani, Director of External Relations (external relations)

The delegation was accompanied by Board of Directors of the College of Aburaihan, Prof. Sangcheshmeh, Advisor to the Dean of College of Aburaihan on International Affairs and Prof. Sharifi , Director General for Educational Affairs of the University of Tehran.

In a meeting with Prof. Niknami, Dean of College of Science, Prof. Al-Harrasi, Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Studies introduced the area of the strength of the University of Nizwa . An overview of the educational and research activities of the College of Science was also presented to the guests. Both sides agreed upon initiation of cooperative academic activities between two institutions.

Following the main meeting, in another session, some faculty member of the College of Science exchanged ideas with the guests on their research activities.



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