Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Curtin University, Australia met with Director General , Office of International Relations, University of Tehran
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Curtin University, Australia met with Director General , Office of International Relations, University of Tehran

On the 2nd of September, 2017, Prof. Chris Moran, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Curtin University, Australia met with Abdolmajid Eskandari, Director General, Office of International Relations. The other participants in the meeting were Mr. Abbas Asemi, Advisor to the Office of Vice President for International Affairs and Ms. Nasibeh Moradian, Expert of the Office of International Relations.
In this meeting, both sides exchanged ideas and decided to work further on cultivating the ways of establishing academic ties between the two universities and collaboration in various areas such as exchange of students, dual degree, joint international educational programs, cooperation with Kish International Campus, exchange of experience on commercialization of idea into wealth, science parks, sabbatical leaves, joint publications and students’ research stay.
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