Delegations from Sweden, Germany and Spain met with Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran

Delegations from Sweden, Germany and Spain met with Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran

09 July 2017 | 13:44 Code : 4349 News Events Top News

From the 2nd  to the  5th , July , 2017 ,  Prof. Ghahramani , Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran received delegations from Sweden, Germany  and Spain. 

Associate Professor Mansourian from Lund University, Sweden , Dr. Olga Belova , International Project Manager from 4 Alianza Universidades (4 Universities Alliance), Spain , Ms. Julia Volz, Director, International Office,  Gießen University, Germany, Dr. Thomas Böhm,Head of Section Africa/Middle East, Equivalences and Recognition , International Department/German Rectors' Conference, Germany, and Dr Sabrina Kusche, Cooperation and Exchange Management, International Office, Giessen University (JLU), Germany had separate meetings with Prof. Ghahramani, Vice  President for International Affairs . The main areas of negotiations in these meetings included the establishment of academic ties and partnership in various EU projects in particular Erasmus+, dual and joint degrees and exchange of faculty members and students

The above mentioned delegates were participants of two important event in Iran, i.e. HRK German Rector’s Conference,  and EU-Iran Higher Education and Research Event which were held on 3-4 July, 2017 in Allameh Tabataba’i University and University of Tehran.

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