EU-Iran Higher Education and Research Event
EU-Iran Higher Education and Research Event

On 3-4 July, 2017, Negarestan Gareden Museum, University of Tehran hosted the EU-Iran Higher Education and Research Event.
On the Day 1, the opening ceremony was started with the recitation of some verses from the holy Qur-an. Then Abdolmajid Esknadari, Director General , Office of International Relations, University of Tehran as the Moderator welcomed the audiences and invited them to watch a Video Clip about the Achievement in Science, Technology and Higher Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The key note speaker of the opening ceremony included the following high ranking dignitaries:
Prof. Hossein Salar Amoli, Acting Minister for International Scientific Cooperation, Dr. Peter Droll, Director, Industrial Technologies , Directorate –General for Research and Innovation, European Commission , Prof. Mojaba Shariati Niasar , Deputy for Education , Ministry of Science, Research and Technology , Ms. Susanna Terstal , Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Islamic Republic of Iran and Prof. Mahmoud NIli Ahmadabadi, President of University of Tehran.
Furthermore , in the continuity of the program, Ms. Tanya Dimitrova , Directorate-General for Research and Innovation had a presentation on Cooperation in Research and Innovation with Horizon 2020 , and Dr. George Bonas , CERISS ( MERID Project –Middle East Research and Innovation Dialogue on Do’s and Don’t’s for a successful Horizon 2020 Application.
The second part of the program included three workshops on the following themes:
A- Key Enabling Technologies , B- Horizon 2020 Social Sciences Thematic Programs: Migration, B(1) – Jean Monnet Activities for EU Studies, C- Cooperating with Iran in STI and HE from an EU member state’s perspective and C(1) – EU Middle East Science , Technology and Innovation . The program continued with presentations on : Funding opportunities and researches with Horizon 2020 and joint research center , joint research center , European Research Council Grants,Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions, Discussion with Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellows.
On the Day 2, the speakers presented speeches on Erasmus+Capacity building in higher education , Discussion with the OPATEL and GeoNet projects , Do’s and Don’ts for a successful capacity building application , Erasmus +Student and Staff Mobility , Erasmus +International Credit Mobility , Discussion with Lund university , Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, Discussion with Erasmus Mundus Alumni.
In the closing ceremony, Ms. Claire Morel (Directorate –General for Education, Youth , Sport and Culture as a member of panel summarized the event and finally Prof. Mohammad Bagher Ghahramani, Vice President for International Affairs, University of Tehran another member of the panel expressed his sincere thanks on behalf of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology(MSRT) and University of Tehran(UT) to all organizations and personalities who had made this successful event a success including UT, European Commission, EU, Office of Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, delegates of foreign diplomatic missions in Iran in particular H. E. Ms. Susanna Terstal, the Ambassador of the Netherlands , Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration, MSRT and all other local officials.
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