Two MoU’s  signed symbolically at the  Ceremony on 1757 Anniversary of Higher Education Tradition in Iran and the 90th Anniversary of UT Establishment

10 July 2024 | 08:11 Code : 42580 News


Prof. Seyed Mohammad Moghimi, President of University of Tehran and Prof.  Nikita Anisimov, Rector of HSE University of Russia, signed a memorandum of understanding in a meeting at Bagh-e Negarstan.

This memorandum was concluded with the aim of establishing and developing academic, cultural relations and academic exchanges, including student exchange, exchange of experience in teaching and conducting scientific research, and implementation of joint educational and research programs between the University of Tehran and the HSE School of Economics of Russia. Development of experience exchange programs for administrative staff, conducting research and joint publications, planning and holding joint educational, scientific and cultural events are among the other axes of this memorandum.


Also, the memorandum of cooperation between the University of Tehran and MAHSA University of Malaysia was signed by Prof. Seyed Mohammad Moghimi, President of University of Tehran, and H.E. Khairi Omar, the Malaysian Ambassador to Iran on behalf of MAHSA University. Mr. Bin Omer signed this memorandum on behalf of the president of Mahsa University of Malaysia.

Facilitating academic visits by faculty members and researchers for conferences and seminars, facilitating academic exchanges, academic publications and joint research activities, facilitating study opportunities for students and graduates to participate in internships, conducting joint courses and facilitating the exchange of academic faculty members and students  are the main axes of the memorandum

Memorandums of cooperation between the University of Tehran and the two HSE universities of Russia and Mahsa Malaysia were signed on the sidelines of the meeting of ambassadors, representatives of embassies and heads of universities from 12 countries with the president of Tehran University at Bagh Negarestan.

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